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ag-grid react rowData not updating

I am using ag-grid react and trying to update the data using the api with: rowNode.setData() but when I try to read the rowData its not changing...

my code:

  import { AgGridReact } from 'ag-grid-react'; // AG Grid Component
  import "ag-grid-community/styles/ag-grid.css"; // Mandatory CSS required by the grid
  import "ag-grid-community/styles/ag-theme-quartz.css"; // Optional Theme applied to the grid
  import { useRef, useState } from 'react';
  import { ColDef } from 'ag-grid-community';

  const GridExample = () => {
    // Row Data: The data to be displayed.
    const [rowData, setRowData] = useState([
      { make: "Tesla", model: "Model Y", price: 64950, electric: true, id: '1' },
      { make: "Ford", model: "F-Series", price: 33850, electric: false, id: '2' },
      { make: "Toyota", model: "Corolla", price: 29600, electric: false, id: '3' },

    // Column Definitions: Defines the columns to be displayed.
    const [colDefs, setColDefs] = useState<ColDef[]>([
      { field: "make", editable: true },
      { field: "model" },
      { field: "price", },
      { field: "electric" }
    const gridRef = useRef<AgGridReact>()

    return (
      // wrapping container with theme & size
        className="ag-theme-quartz" // applying the grid theme
        style={{ height: 500 }} // the grid will fill the size of the parent container
          getRowId={({ data }) =>}
        <button onClick={() => {
          console.log('rowData', rowData);
        }}>print data</button>

        <button onClick={() => {
          const rowNode = gridRef.current?.api.getRowNode('2')
          //This is the row update
          rowNode?.setData( { make: "Ford", model: "newModel", price: 33850, electric: false, id: '2' });
        }}>update data</button>

  const App = () => {
    return <GridExample />

  export default App

I took ag-grid's code example and added the rowId and the buttons.

So when I click the update data button, the data on the table will change, but then when I print the data it stayed as before.

I tried using the api.applyTransaction() and the rowNode.updateData() but its the same result...

for some reason the rowNode.setDataValue will update rowNode but I can't use it in my project because its no supporting objects.


  • You should know that AG-Grid won't update your local state if the grid data is internally changed.

    You should either use declarative approach (pass rowData prop and update the prop -> setRowData) or use imperative approach (use grid api object and set data manually)

    You can also use grid events like rowDataUpdated to update your state