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Is it possible to mock a native ColdFusion function call?

I've been refactoring a service we use for LDAP calls and finally getting around to updating our unit test for it.

I want to test the rest of the function and catch the CFLDAP call so it does not go out and do its normal thing - useful for when doing testing without network connections for one, also useful for testing if the function handles errors from CFLDAP as I want it to.

Is there a way to mock the native ColdFusion CFLDAP call so I can prevent the actual call to LDAP as well as spy on the call log/arguments passed to it?

(this is all assuming that the LDAP call works as expected since that is out of my control and not the concern of this unit test)


  • Short version: no, it's not possible to mock a native ColdFusion function call.

    Longer version: Carl's comment nails the approach one should take here: wrap your <cfldap> call in an adapter, along these lines:

    // YourDirectoryServiceAdapter.cfc
    component {
        variables.server = ""
        // etc other connectivity credentials here
        public query function query() { // maybe specify individual cfldap attributes here
            var data = false 
                name = "data",
                server = variables.server,
                // etc
                attributeCollection=arguments // query-specific attributes
            return data

    And then inject this adapter into your service class via your DI container or just as a constructor argument or whatevs. Some mechanism that can be leveraged by your tests to use a test double instead.

    And, yeah, when you come to test your service: pass a test double instead of the "real" YourDirectoryServiceAdapter.

    I recommend against Redtopia's suggestion as it's pretty poor practice to bake testing logic into production code: it adds complexity (which itself then needs tests, and then... you hit recursion issues ;-), breaks the single responsibility principle, runs contrary to other industry-standard practices, and just adds cognitive load to your code. It's just easy to use an adapter as per above.

    NB: really all tags / functions that hit external resources (LDAP services, DB services, the file system, etc) should be abstracted-away into adapters like this, to facilitate streamlining your testability. But start small and work up to that ;-)

    Bravo for being one of the minority of CFMLers who have automated tests, btw.