i got a XML File as export from Wireshark and want to select the Number of the actual frame
The structure of this file is like this
<field name="frame.number" show="1">
<field name="frame.number" show="2">
...and so on...
I use this code to select the packets/fields
XmlNodeList packages = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//packet");
foreach (XmlNode packet in packages) {
string frameNumber = packet.SelectSingleNode("//field[@name='frame.number']").
If I Debug through the code, it always selects the right Nodes with the correct attributes. But at each iteration there is a "1" printed out.
Does anyone suspect what failure this is? I didn't found anything on the internet for this failure
Thank you very much!!
Its because your XPath in SelectSingleNode
starts with //
- which means "start from the root of the document". Therefore you're always getting the first one.
Just change the XPath in that method to proto/field[@name='frame.number']