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Remotion Error: Module "remotion" has no exported member 'OffthreadVideo'

I am using remotion for my video editor and now I am facing new issue Module "remotion" has no exported member 'OffthreadVideo'., earlier it was working fine.

import { AbsoluteFill, OffthreadVideo, staticFile } from "remotion";

export const VideoWithText: React.FC<{
  link: any;
}> = ({ link }) => {
  const loacFileUrl = staticFile(link);
  return (
        // Rest property


  • I explored and resolved the error by importing Video from import {Video} from 'remotion'; instead import { OffthreadVideo } from "remotion";

    So here is my working code:

    import { AbsoluteFill, Video, staticFile } from "remotion";
    export const VideoWithText: React.FC<{
      link: any;
    }> = ({ link }) => {
      const loacFileUrl = staticFile(link);
      return (
            // Rest property