I have file upload input:
<input onChange={this.getFile} id="fileUpload" type="file" className="upload"/>
And I handle upload this way:
getFile(e) {
let reader = new FileReader();
let file = e.target.files[0];
reader.onloadend = (theFile) => {
var data = {
blob: theFile.target.result, name: file.name,
visitorId: this.props.socketio.visitorId
this.props.socketio.emit('file-upload', data);
If I upload same file twice, then upload event is not fired. How can I fix that? For simple js code it was enough to do the following: this.value = null; in change handler. How can I do it with ReactJS?
I think you can just clear the input value like this :
e.target.value = null;
File input cannot be controlled, there is no React specific way to do that.
Edit For old browsers (<IE11), you can use one of the following techniques.
See http://jsbin.com/zurudemuma/1/edit?js,output (tested on IE10 & 9)