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Using the new SDL3 Callback App Structure

How can I use the new SDL3 callback structure with no main() function rather than the traditional one where the application pumps the main loop?


  • This C++ example opens a window with undefined contents which can be interacted with (resized, moved, minimized, closed, etc.) and prints progress and received events to the error console. It was developed on Ubuntu 23.10.

    #include <SDL3/SDL_main.h>
    #include <SDL3/SDL_init.h>
    #include <iostream>
    namespace {
        struct AppState
            /// The window we'll open to show our rendering inside.
            SDL_Window *window{nullptr};
            /// Count of the number of times the main loop has been run.
            long long iterations{0};
    extern "C" {
    int SDL_AppInit(void **appstate, int argc, char **argv)
        std::cerr << "SDL_AppInit" << std::endl;
        // Create an object that will be passed back to each callback:
        *appstate = new AppState;
        AppState& state = *static_cast<AppState*>(*appstate);
        int result = 0;
        if(result = SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_EVENTS) < 0)
            std::cerr << "SDL_InitSubSystem failed with code " << result << std::endl;
            goto error_exit;
        state.window = SDL_CreateWindow( "SDL3 Window", 960, 540, 0 /* | SDL_WINDOW_VULKAN*/ );
        if( state.window == NULL )
            std::cerr << "SDL_CreateWindow failed" << std::endl;
            goto error_exit;
        return 0;
        std::cerr << "Last SDL error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
        return -1;
    int SDL_AppIterate(void *appstate)
        AppState& state = *static_cast<AppState*>(appstate);
        return 0;
    int SDL_AppEvent(void *appstate, const SDL_Event *event)
        std::cerr << "SDL_AppEvent";
            std::cerr << ": type = " << event->type << ", timestamp = " << event->common.timestamp << std::endl;
        std::cerr << std::endl;
        if(event->type == SDL_EVENT_QUIT)
            std::cerr << "SDL_EVENT_QUIT" << std::endl;
            return 1;
        return 0;
    void SDL_AppQuit(void *appstate)
        AppState* state = static_cast<AppState*>(appstate);
        std::cerr << "SDL_AppQuit after " << state->iterations << " iterations of the main loop." << std::endl;
        delete state;