Search code examples

NgZorro Table Angular Not Loading Data Properly

I am trying to load the data which is an array of objects using the ngzorro table

the data I am trying to load is this

  "problems": [
      "companies": [
          "color_dark": "#693b73",
          "color_light": "#fdf8a8",
          "logo": null,
          "name": "Apple"
          "color_dark": "#2c6a91",
          "color_light": "#bcb6e2",
          "logo": null,
          "name": "Adobe"
      "date": "Fri, 12 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT",
      "description": "",
      "filename": "codebase/src/Extra_Problems/Searching/",
      "id": 1,
      "level": "Easy",
      "name": "First Bad Version",
      "notes": "Use Binary Search",
      "remarks": "Kunal Kushwaha",
      "slug": "first-bad-version",
      "status": "Completed",
      "subdirectory": "Searching",
      "type": "Extra Problems",
      "url": ""

This is my component html

<nz-table #filterTable [nzData]="listOfData" nzTableLayout="fixed" [nzPageIndex]="pageIndex" (nzPageIndexChange)="pageChange($event)">
        <ng-container *ngFor="let column of listOfColumns">
          <th *ngIf="column.allowFilter && column.allowSort"
            {{ }}

          <th *ngIf="!column.allowFilter && column.allowSort"
            {{ }}

          <th *ngIf="column.allowFilter && !column.allowSort"
            {{ }}

          <th nzCustomFilter *ngIf="column.allowSearch && !column.allowFilter && !column.allowSort">
            {{ }}
            <nz-filter-trigger [(nzVisible)]="visibleMap[]" [nzActive]="searchValue.length > 0" [nzDropdownMenu]="menu">
              <span nz-icon nzType="search"></span>

          <th *ngIf="!column.allowFilter && !column.allowSort && !column.allowSearch" [nzWidth]="column.width">
            {{ }}
      <tr *ngFor="let data of;let i = index">
        <td><a routerLink="/problem/statement/{{data.slug}}">{{ }}</a></td>
        <td>{{ data.type }}<div *ngIf="data.subdirectory">({{data.subdirectory.replaceAll(":", " -> ")}})</div></td>
        <td>{{ data.level }}</td>
        <td>{{ data.status }}</td>
        <td style="text-align: center;">
          <ng-container *ngIf="data.companies && data.companies.length > 0">
            <div style="justify-content: center;">
              <nz-tag *ngFor="let company of data.companies.splice(0, 5)" [nzColor]="getCompanyColor(company)" (click)="tagClick(">{{}}</nz-tag>
              <ng-container *ngIf="showMore[i]">
                <nz-tag *ngFor="let company of data.companies.splice(5)" [nzColor]="getCompanyColor(company)" (click)="tagClick(">{{}}</nz-tag>
              <ng-container *ngIf="data.companies.length > 5">
                <nz-tag *ngIf="!showMore[i]" (click)="showMore[i] = true;" [nzColor]="'transparent'">+ More</nz-tag>
                <nz-tag *ngIf="showMore[i]" (click)="showMore[i] = false;" [nzColor]="'transparent'">- Less</nz-tag>

          <ng-container *ngIf="!data.companies || data.companies.length == 0">
            <div> No Company Information </div>

My problem is that even if the company data is provided it always shows as "No Company Information" everything is loaded successfully

enter image description here

On inspecting I found companies data does get loaded but it changes

enter image description here

On clicking on the point where the problem lies it highlights this part

enter image description here


Tried using change detection but the issue still exists to debug I have added this line temporarily

enter image description here

the output of following: enter image description here

After it I changed from data.companies to data.companies.length then: enter image description here

Here it shows length always zero but when try using regular printing it shows there is something.


  • EDIT: I was able to solve this the problem was here

    <nz-tag *ngFor="let company of data.companies.splice(0, 5)"

    I was using splice method it changed the original array changing from splice to slice solved this issue.