I need to download html pages only for authenticated users, pages are stored in "Firebase Storage" as html.
I get the right action by using the bellow firebase cloud function (v2) (getReportForUser) using getDownloadURL() (commented-out) , the problem is that users can share files, which I want to avoid, so I switched to use getSignedURL() that will give the user a limited time to download the file, but I got Error: Permission 'iam.serviceAccounts.signBlob' denied on resource (or it may not exist).
Is this the right approach to authenticate downloading files, and is yes, how can we resolve this error please?
exports.getReportForUser = onCall({ region: ["europe-west1"] }, async (request) => {
const getReportURLsync = () => {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
// Get a reference to index.html file in storage bucket
const fileRef = getStorage().bucket("wa-connect").file("reports/" + "index.html");
resolve(await fileRef.getSignedUrl({version: "v4", action: "read", expires: Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 2, })); // expires in 2 minutes
//resolve( await getDownloadURL(fileRef));
async function getReportURL(serial, timestamp) {
return await getReportURLsync(serial, timestamp);
try {
return { reportURL: await getReportURL() };
} catch (err) {
info("Error caught in getReportForUser code: ", "->", err);
I also tried the accepted answer in Permissions Denied on getSignedUrl Promise in Cloud Function but it didn't work!
I solved the issue by getting the contents of the report and inserting it into the client report page, this way only authenticated users can see the report.
I get the contents using the same function above (getReportForUser) with a slight modification so that it returns the contents instead of the report URL.