i have a treeview which i load All Files and Folder from a Path. i used Microsoft Docs/Example
my codes is working fine, however there is one issue! i can see that there is Empty folders added into treeview. i want to remove them/skip them. i dont know how to do this. this is a little hard to me.
private async void FillTreeNode(TreeViewNode node)
// Get the contents of the folder represented by the current tree node.
// Add each item as a new child node of the node that's being expanded.
// Only process the node if it's a folder and has unrealized children.
StorageFolder folder = null;
if (node.Content is StorageFolder && node.HasUnrealizedChildren == true)
folder = node.Content as StorageFolder;
// The node isn't a folder, or it's already been filled.
IReadOnlyList<IStorageItem> itemsList = await folder.GetItemsAsync();
if (itemsList.Count == 0)
// The item is a folder, but it's empty. Leave HasUnrealizedChildren = true so
// that the chevron appears, but don't try to process children that aren't there.
foreach (var item in itemsList)
var newNode = new TreeViewNode();
newNode.Content = item;
if (item is StorageFolder)
// If the item is a folder, set HasUnrealizedChildren to true.
// This makes the collapsed chevron show up.
newNode.HasUnrealizedChildren = true;
if (item is StorageFile storageFile)
if (!AllowedExtensions.Contains(storageFile.FileType))
// Item is StorageFile. No processing needed for this scenario.
// Children were just added to this node, so set HasUnrealizedChildren to false.
node.HasUnrealizedChildren = false;
StorageFolder storageFolder = await StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync(rootPath);
TreeViewNode itemNode = new TreeViewNode();
itemNode.Content = storageFolder;
itemNode.IsExpanded = true;
itemNode.HasUnrealizedChildren = true;
this code can fix 2 issues, first skip empty folder, second fix an issue where all items does not added.
foreach (var item in itemsList)
var newNode = new TreeViewNode();
newNode.Content = item;
if (item is StorageFolder storageFolder)
var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(storageFolder.Path, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
.Where(s => AllowedExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(s)));
if (files.Count() == 0)
// If the item is a folder, set HasUnrealizedChildren to true.
// This makes the collapsed chevron show up.
newNode.HasUnrealizedChildren = true;
if (item is StorageFile storageFile)
if (!AllowedExtensions.Contains(storageFile.FileType))
// Item is StorageFile. No processing needed for this scenario.