I have a C# backend app and a Flutter frontend. In my backend I have a SignalR service that I want to consume in my Flutter app. My backend setup:
public class DangerReportHub : Hub
public async Task SendDangerReport(object message)
// Broadcast the danger report to all connected clients
await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveDangerReport", message);
Then I have the cors policy:
services.AddCors(o => o.AddPolicy("CorsPolicy", builder =>
.SetIsOriginAllowed((host) => true);
and then registering the hub:
app.UseEndpoints(x =>
in my web api call I have the following post method:
public async Task<IActionResult> ReportDanger([FromBody] DangerPostDTO dangerPostDTO)
var danger = await _dangerService.ReportDanger(dangerPostDTO.dangerId, dangerPostDTO.userId, dangerPostDTO.Location);
if (danger.Data)
var dangerSignalR = new DangerSignalRDTO
DangerId = dangerPostDTO.dangerId,
TimeReported = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(),
ReportedBy = dangerPostDTO.userId,
Location = dangerPostDTO.Location
await _hubContext.Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveDangerReport", dangerSignalR);
return Ok();
return BadRequest(danger.ErrorMessages);
then in my flutter app I am trying to consume this signalr core using signalr_netcore package. and this is my setup:
Future<void> _initHubConnection() async {
// The location of the SignalR Server.
const serverUrl = "http://*.*.*.*/dangerReportHub"; // IP is hidden for this question only
// Creates the connection by using the HubConnectionBuilder.
final hubConnection = HubConnectionBuilder()
hubConnection.onclose(({Exception? error}) => print(error.toString()));
await hubConnection.start();
hubConnection.on("ReceiveDangerReport", _handleAClientProvidedFunction);
void _handleAClientProvidedFunction(dynamic? parameters) {
return null;
so the strange thing is, when I execute a test call from a signalr test client for example https://gourav-d.github.io/SignalR-Web-Client/dist/ and I call directly SendDangerReport from the hub, it works. But when I call the WEB API call the Flutter client is not receiving the message. What might be wrong?
The problem was the Location property. It was a complex property that was not begin serialized.