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SciChart's Waterfall chart with .NET Blazor wrapper

I'm trying to add this beautiful Waterfall chart SciChart has with this wrapper: But it looks like there is a problem with rendering 2d surfaces.

I've created a Chart.razor on Client side using new Blazor Web App with following code:

@page "/chart"
@using SciChartBlazor
@using SciChartBlazor.Axes
@using SciChartBlazor.DataSeries
@using SciChartBlazor.Modifiers
@using SciChartBlazor.RenderableSeries
@using SciChartBlazor.Services
@rendermode InteractiveAuto
@inject IJSRuntime JsRuntime 

<div id="@Id" @ref="_chart" style="height:600px" />
<button @onclick=Load>Load</button>
    private string Id { get; set; } = "C" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

    private protected ElementReference _chart;

    SciChartBuilder _chartBuilder = default!;

    int _seriesCount = 10;

    private async void Load()

        for (int i = 0; i < _seriesCount; i++)
            var XAxis = new NumericAxis()
                    Id = $"X{i}",
                    MaxAutoTicks = 5,
                    DrawMajorGridLines = false,
                    GrowBy = new SciChartNumberRange(0, 0.2),
                    VisibleRange = new SciChartNumberRange(-1000.0, 1000.0),
                    VisibleRangeLimit = new SciChartNumberRange(-1000.0, 1000.0),
                    IsVisible = (i == 0),
                    //OverrideOffset = 0

            await _chartBuilder.AddAxis(XAxis, AxisType.X);
            var YAxis = new NumericAxis()
                    Id = $"Y{i}",
                    MaxAutoTicks = 5,
                    DrawMajorGridLines = false,
                    VisibleRange = new SciChartNumberRange(-100.0, 100.0),
                    VisibleRangeLimit = new SciChartNumberRange(-1000.0, 1000.0),
                    IsVisible = (i == 0),
                    //OverrideOffset = 0

            await _chartBuilder.AddAxis(YAxis, AxisType.Y);

            double[] x = new double[10];
            double[] y = new double[10];

            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                x[j] = (double)j;
                y[j] = Math.Sin(j) * 100 + i;

            var ser = new XyDataSeries<double, double>(x, y) { DataSeriesName = $"N{i}" };

            var fastLineRenderableSeries = new SciChartBlazor.RenderableSeries.FastLineRenderableSeries<double, double>(ser)
                { Id = $"S{i}", XAxisId = $"X{i}", YAxisId = $"Y{i}", StrokeThickness = 1, Stroke = "#64BAE4" };

            await _chartBuilder.AddSeries(fastLineRenderableSeries);


    protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
        if (firstRender)
            //Create the chart
            _chartBuilder = new SciChartBuilder(_chart, JsRuntime, new SciChartBlazorService(JsRuntime, new SciChartOptions()));
            await _chartBuilder.CreateChart();

With _seriesCount equals 1 it builds a simple chart, but adding more series returns an error in a line:

 this.nativeArgs.StartIndex = rp.indexesRange.min

Full trace:

Error from chart in div Ced51579e-26cc-4536-96e2-49f46254f9db: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'min')
    at ExtremeResamplerHelper.resetAndFillBasicNativeArgs (ExtremeResamplerHelper.js:178:54)
    at ExtremeResamplerHelper.needsResampling (ExtremeResamplerHelper.js:50:18)
    at BaseRenderableSeries.needsResampling (BaseRenderableSeries.js:935:37)
    at SciChartRenderer.resampleSeries (SciChartRenderer.js:65:17)
    at SciChartRenderer.prepareSeriesRenderData (SciChartRenderer.js:328:57)
    at SciChartRenderer.render (SciChartRenderer.js:144:35)
    at SciChartSurface.doDrawingLoop (SciChartSurface.js:707:35)
    at SciChartSurface.onRenderSurfaceDraw (SciChartSurface.js:1337:18)
    at RenderSurface.onRenderTimeElapsed (RenderSurface.js:37:14)
    at Object.Draw (createMaster.js:294:60)

Following this stacktrace at SciChartRenderer.resampleSeries (SciChartRenderer.js:65:17)

 var rp = new ResamplingParams_1.ResamplingParams(seriesViewRect, rs, xAxis);


var ResamplingParams_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Numerics/Resamplers/ResamplingParams */ "./node_modules/scichart/Charting/Numerics/Resamplers/ResamplingParams.js");

it looks like rp is not created correctly but I don't understand why?

Ps I've downloaded the package from git and didn't use NuGet. Also you can find js equivalent of this here

Also you will need to add this line in your App.razor:

<script async src="_content/SciChartBlazor/SciChart/sciChartBlazorJson.js"></script>


  • After struggling with NRTDP/SciChartBlazor, i've tried SciChart/JS with blazor - and it works fine, with easy.

    My suggesting is to not be dependant (in this case) on a NuGet that was last updated 2y-ago (as to date).

    I tried to contribute to SciChartBlazor, and after seeing the internals of it - it's not covering SciChart API and you'll need/end-up adding JS anyway to support what you need.

    So, here is how one can...

    Get SciChart/JS with blazor-server-app works.

    • works with .Net6+8 as of to the day written.

    Pages \ _Layout.cshtml

        <!-- Reference the latest version is not recommended for production! -->
        @* <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> *@
        <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        <script src="~/MySciChartGraphsApi.js"></script>
        <component type="typeof(HeadOutlet)" render-mode="ServerPrerendered" />


    <div class="GTGraph" id="scichart-root" style="visibility: @graphVisibility"></div>


    function helloSciChart() {
        return "SciChart-world";
    // Create a SciChartSurface in the div 'scichart-root'
    async function initSciChart() {
        // based on: 
        // *
        // **
        const {
        } = SciChart;
        // Tell SciChart where to get webassembly files from.
        // Initialize SciChartSurface. Don't forget to await!
        const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create("scichart-root", {
            theme: new SciChartJsNavyTheme(),
            title: "SciChart.js First Chart",
            titleStyle: { fontSize: 22 }
        // Create an XAxis and YAxis with growBy padding
        const growBy = new NumberRange(0.1, 0.1);
        sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext, { axisTitle: "X Axis", growBy }));
        sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext, { axisTitle: "Y Axis", growBy }));
        // Create a line series with some initial data
        sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
            stroke: "steelblue",
            strokeThickness: 3,
            dataSeries: new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, {
                xValues: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
                yValues: [0, 0.0998, 0.1986, 0.2955, 0.3894, 0.4794, 0.5646, 0.6442, 0.7173, 0.7833]
            pointMarker: new EllipsePointMarker(wasmContext, { width: 11, height: 11, fill: "#fff" }),
            animation: new SweepAnimation({ duration: 300, fadeEffect: true })
        // Add some interaction modifiers to show zooming and panning
        sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new MouseWheelZoomModifier(), new ZoomPanModifier(), new ZoomExtentsModifier());
        return "done";


    .MyGraph { height: 400px; }

    Your-Page.razor / HTML

    <div id="scichart-root" class="MyGraph"></div>


    protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
        if (firstRender)
                // string result2 = await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<string>("helloSciChart");  // checking JS works
                string result3 = await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<string>("initSciChart");
            catch (Exception exception)
                Logger.LogError("exception: {exception}", exception);
        await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);

    Expected result.

    enter image description here

    BONUS for using SciChart/JS

    • You can copy-paste SciChart examples, and they’ll work immediately.
    • Not dependant on other
    • If SciChart release new API-features, you can use them immediately in your app.
