Search code examples

Nesting Livewire component in loop causes uncaught snapshot Error

In Livewire I have users table and have put a user-row component inside loop for this table. also see this image

Added some actions like Edit User, that opens a modal to edit user data in a dropdown then I put modal and modal button inside another component called userEditModal.

After that I added modal component to user row component I'm getting confusing errors after some events for example after sorting columns for several times or searching several times, I can't open the actions dropdown and etc.

In this situation Livewire shows multiple errors like these:

Uncaught Snapshot missing on Livewire component with id: rTfkHTjFfzKmW2Nc6msi

Uncaught Snapshot missing on Livewire component with id: Iqxj9J7ypOeiOyMCGTsM

livewire.js?id=5d8beb2e:4420 Uncaught Snapshot missing on Livewire component with id: w4pA4mbd5Xjx0PCN1qgq

Users Table Blade (parent component):


<!-- loading and table -->
<div class="relative">
    <!-- table -->
        <table class="w-full border-collpase dark:text-white">
            <tr class="bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-800 font-bold border">
                <td class="py-4 text-center">
                <td class="py-4 px-2">
                    <x-tables.elements.sort column="mobile" :$sortCol :$sortAsc>
                    تلفن همراه
                <td class="py-4 px-2">
                    <x-tables.elements.sort column="email" :$sortCol :$sortAsc>
                <td class="py-4 px-2">
                    <x-tables.elements.sort column="name" :$sortCol :$sortAsc>
                <td class="py-4 px-2 text-center">
                    <x-tables.elements.sort column="status" :$sortCol :$sortAsc>
            <!-- loop starts here -->
            @foreach($users as $user)
                <x-tables.elements.authentication.users.row :key="$user->id" :$user/>
    <!-- loading -->
    <div wire:loading.flex wire:target="search, nextPage, previousPage, bulkActive, bulkDeactive, activate, sortBy, applySorting, applySearch, flushSession" class="flex items-center justify-center absolute inset-0 bg-white/50 text-rahkar-blue">
        <x-icon.spinner :size="8"/>

<!-- pagination links -->
<div class="w-full">

User Row Component (nested in users table in loop, pay attention to line 44 edit section):

<div wire:key="$user->id">
    <tr class="border hover:bg-gray-100/40 text-sm">
    <td class="py-4 px-1 text-center">
            <input wire:key="{{-1*$user->id**-1}}""selectedUserIds" value="{{$user->id}}" type="checkbox" class="rounded p-2 shadow">
    <td class="py-4 px-2">
    <td class="py-4 px-2">
    <td class="py-4 px-2">
    <td class="py-4 px-2">
        @switch ($user->is_active)
                <span class="px-1 bg-green-500 text-white rounded">فعال</span>
                <span class="px-1 bg-red-500 text-white rounded">غیرفعال</span>
    <td class="whitespace-nowarp px-2 text-sm">
        <div class="flex items-center justify-end" x-data="{edit_modal: false }">
                <x-menu.button class="hover:bg-gray-200 hover:rounded">
                    <x-icon.ellipsis-horizontal :size="7"/>


                    @if($user->id !== session('user_id'))
                    <x-menu.item wire:click="activate({{$user->id}})">
                        {{$user->is_active === 1 ? 'غیرفعال‌سازی' : 'فعال‌سازی'}}

                    <!-- edit -->
                    <livewire:tables.authentication.users.edit-user :$user @useredited="$refresh" :key="$user->id * -1">

                                ابطال سشن‌ها
                                    <h2>آیا از لغو تمام نشست‌های کاربر <span class="font-bold">{{$user->name}}</span> اطمینان دارید ؟</h2>

                              <button x-on:click="await $wire.flushSession({{$user->id}}), $dialog.close()" class="rounded-lg border bg-rahkar-blue hover:bg-rahkar-blue-second text-white px-6 py-3">
                                بله؛ اطمینان دارم

                                    <button class="rounded-lg border bg-red-500 hover:bg-red-700 text-white px-6 py-3">



                    @if($user->id !== session('user_id'))
                        سطح دسترسی

                    <x-menu.item x-on:click=" edit_modal= true ">



Edit User Modal Component (nested in row component):

   <!-- create new user modal and button -->
   <x-dialog wire:model="show">


                        <div class="flex items-center pb-4">
                            <span class="text-lg">ویرایش کاربر</span>

                        <form wire:submit="update" class="grid gap-2">

                            <div class="relative flex items-center">
                                <div class="absolute right-2 flex gap-2">
                                < size="6"/>
                                <input"" type="text" placeholder="[email protected]" class="rounded-lg border-gray-200 px-6 py-3 pr-20 ltr w-full" required>

                            <div class="w-full">

                            <div class="relative flex items-center">
                                <div class="absolute right-2 flex gap-2">
                                < size="6"/>
                                <input"" type="text" x-mask="09999999999" placeholder="09123334455" class="rounded-lg border-gray-200 border px-6 py-3 pr-20 ltr w-full">

                            <div class="w-full">

                            <div class="relative flex items-center">
                                <div class="absolute right-2 flex gap-2">
                                < size="6"/>
                                <input wire:model="" type="text" placeholder="علیرضا طباطبائی" class="rounded-lg border-gray-200 border px-6 py-3 pr-20 ltr w-full">

                            <div class="w-full">
                                <button type="submit" @class(['cursor-not-allowed opacity-75 pointer-events-none    ' => $errors->any(), 'rounded-lg border bg-rahkar-blue hover:bg-rahkar-blue-second text-white px-6 py-3'])>
                                اعمال تغییرات

                                    <button type="button" class="rounded-lg border bg-red-500 hover:bg-red-700 text-white px-6 py-3">

I have tried adding wire:key to components, this only works when edit user modal component is deleted.


  • I did a test and when providing a fixed string - e.g. using {{ }} - the colon before key must be removed otherwise an error will be returned: it is more or less like a standard dynamic parameter for a blade component. At this point I advise to use the colon and remove the curly brackets, as per the documenation.

    <livewire:component-abc :key="$row->id" /> {{-- This works --}}
    <livewire:component-abc :key='"{{ $row->id }}"' /> {{-- This works --}}
    <livewire:component-abc :key="'{{ $row->id }}'" /> {{-- This doesn't work --}}
    <livewire:component-abc key="{{ $row->id }}" /> {{-- This works --}}
    <livewire:component-abc :key="{{ $row->id }}"/> {{-- This doesn't work --}}

    Instead, when you specify the wire:key attribute you must add curly brackets otherwise the value is not interpreted and becomes a fixed string:

    <div wire:key="{{ $row->id }}"> {{-- This works --}}
    <div wire:key="$row->id"> {{-- This doesn't work --}}

    The cause of your error
    In the child component you need to remove wire:key from the root <div> as this is what causes the "Uncaught Snapshot missing ..." error
    wire:key must be used only in the main HTML tag contained in a loop (not a child component)