Search code examples

Disable animation on AutoSuggestBox items change?

When making input changes to AutoSuggestBox, the transition to the new search results has an animation, making the lines jump/bounce. I don't want this effect, instead I want the new search results to be displayed without any animation.

So, how can one disable this animation?

This is how it looks by default with the animations (and how I don't want it)

enter image description here


  • The AutoSuggestBox shows a ListView for the suggestions. That animation is actually the ListView's animation. The following code should disable the animation:

    public MainPage()
        this.AutoSuggestBoxControl.Loaded += AutoSuggestBoxControl_Loaded;
    private void AutoSuggestBoxControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs _)
        if (sender is not AutoSuggestBox autoSuggestBox ||
            VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(autoSuggestBox, 0) is not Grid grid ||
            grid.Children.FirstOrDefault(gridChild => gridChild is Popup) is not Popup popup ||
            popup.Child is not Border popupChildBorder ||
            popupChildBorder.Child is not ListView popupListView)
        popupListView.ItemContainerTransitions = null;


    If you want to do this in XAML:

        ItemsSource="{x:Bind Cats}"
            <Style TargetType="ListView">
                <Setter Property="ItemContainerTransitions">