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Is is possible to rename a coq term?

Sorry, I'm not sure if the title is the adequate question.

I have been going through Logical Foundations. In the Lemma "double_plus" i solved it with this solution:

Lemma double_plus : forall n, double n = n + n .
  induction n.
  - simpl. reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite <- plus_n_Sm. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.

In the induction step my goal is: double (S n) = S n + S n.

I would like to know if it is possible to assume that (S n) is k and with that do something like:

(* double k = k + k *)

rewrite IH. (*k + k = k + k*)


  • You can use the set tactic.

    For instance

    set (k := S n) in *.

    will change all occurrences of S n and replace it by k. Note that this will still keep the information that k := S n in the context. You can forget this information by using clearbody k.

    Similar tactics include remember and generalize.

    With respect to your title, note that rename is also a tactic that you can use, but only for renaming, eg. n into k (ie. you can change names, not terms).