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How to prove theorems about mutual inductive types by using tactics in Coq?

Consider following mutual inductive proposition

Inductive TypeA : Prop :=
  | ConstructorA : TypeB -> TypeA
with TypeB : Prop :=
  | ConstructorB : TypeA -> TypeB. 

Here is proof of ~TypeA in functional style

Fixpoint TypeA_is_empty' (a : TypeA) : False :=
  match a with 
  | ConstructorA b' => TypeB_is_empty' b'
with TypeB_is_empty' (b : TypeB) : False :=
  match b with 
  | ConstructorB a' => TypeA_is_empty' a'

How to prove ~TypeA in tactic style?

I want to be able to prove them as mutual Theorems if something similar exists in Coq

Theorem TypeA_is_empty : ~ TypeA.
Theorem TypeB_is_empty : ~ TypeB.
  unfold not.
  intros b.
  inversion b as [a].
  apply (TypeA_is_empty a).
  unfold not.
  intros a.
  inversion a as [b].
  apply (TypeB_is_empty b).

Edit: Found that Coq have such syntax for mutual theorems but it throws error

Lemma TypeA_is_empty : ~ TypeA 
  with TypeB_is_empty : ~ TypeB.

**Cannot find common (mutual) inductive premises or coinductive conclusions in the statements.**


  • (I have changed names around for convenience.)

    First of all, you cannot use not in the statement, this one compiles:

    Lemma A_is_empty : A -> False
      with B_is_empty : B -> False.

    That said, this code seems to do it. See the comments for the explanation:

    Inductive A : Prop :=
      | mkA : B -> A
    with B : Prop :=
      | mkB : A -> B.
    Fixpoint A_is_empty' (a : A) : False :=
      match a with
      | mkA b => B_is_empty' b
    with B_is_empty' (b : B) : False :=
      match b with
      | mkB a => A_is_empty' a
    Lemma A_is_empty : A -> False
      with B_is_empty : B -> False.
      - intros a.
        apply A_is_empty.
        exact a.
      - intros b.
        apply B_is_empty.
        exact b.
    Fail Qed. (* Recursive call to A_is_empty
      has principal argument equal to
      "a" instead of a subterm of "a". *)
    Lemma A_is_empty : A -> False
      with B_is_empty : B -> False.
      - intros a.
        destruct a as [b].  (* !! *)
        apply B_is_empty.
        exact b.
      - intros b.
        destruct b as [a].  (* !! *)
        apply A_is_empty.
        exact a.
    Check A_is_empty : ~ A.
    Check B_is_empty : ~ B.