Example of my desired result:
Date (A) | Value (B) | Fiscal Year running total (C) |
01.09.2022 | 100 | 100 |
01.10.2022 | 200 | 200 |
01.11.2022 | 50 | 250 |
01.12.2022 | 150 | 400 |
01.01.2023 | 125 | 525 |
01.02.2023 | 300 | 825 |
01.03.2023 | 250 | 1075 |
01.04.2023 | 300 | 1375 |
01.05.2023 | 100 | 1475 |
01.06.2023 | 75 | 1550 |
01.07.2023 | 125 | 1675 |
01.08.2023 | 150 | 1825 |
01.09.2023 | 100 | 1925 |
01.10.2023 | 25 | 25 |
01.11.2023 | 300 | 325 |
01.12.2023 | 125 | 450 |
I would like to know how I can achieve the 3rd column in this example table, "Fiscal Year running total". Meaning, I'd like to have a running total that resets at the start of every fiscal year. In this case, fiscal years starts in October and ends in September.
Another way of wording it:
I need a way of getting the running total from an unspecific date, to the last time it was a specific date (October).
If it is at all possible, it'd be great to have a formula instead of VB or Power Query solution.
Here is a formula I have come up with, but not found a full solution for yet:
=IF (MONTH (A2) = 10; B2; SUM (OFFSET (INDEX (MATCH (???); 0): A2; 0; 1))
"(???)" Being where one would need a formula to find the cell closest to the one we are in that has October in its month and is in the past.
Many thanks in advance!
To be honest, @JvdV answer is a shorter formula but just in case somebody can't use Excel365 here's another approach using SUMPRODUCT:
Notice this formula will work only if dates in column A are real dates (numeric) and not text dates.