In this section of homework, we are asked to write a function ctx_append
(abbreviation of context append, I guess), which should operate like this:
Before: ctx_k: { "a", "b", "" }
ctx_v: { 42, 43 }
Operation: ctx_append("c", 44, ctx_k, ctx_v, 20);
After: ctx_k: { "a", "b", "c", "" }
ctx_v: { 42, 43, 44 }
The following represents an empty context:
ctx_k: { "" }
ctx_v: { }
The program should use a helper function ctx_append_impl
that has to operate in a recursive approach.
The following is my work:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "interpreter.h" //the only use of this header file in the following functions is
//provide the definition of MAX_INDENT_LEN
#include "raise.h" //the only use of this header file is provide the definition of raise() and
using namespace std;
int find_empty_string(char ctx_k[][MAX_IDENT_LEN], unsigned int idx){
//since the ctx_k ends with "", we have to use this function to locate where shall we append the content in the char array ident[]
if (ctx_k[idx][0] == '"' && ctx_k[idx][1] == '"'){ //find the empty string
return idx;
find_empty_string(ctx_k, idx + 1);
int find_zero_val(int ctx_v[], unsigned int idx){
//since the ctx_v ends with 0, we have to use this function to locate where shall we append the value in the int array val[]
if (ctx_v[idx] == 0){
return idx;
return find_zero_val(ctx_v, idx + 1);
void ctx_append_impl(const char ident[], int val, char ctx_k[][MAX_IDENT_LEN], int ctx_v[], unsigned int size, unsigned int idx){
// the function for appending the content inside ident[] to ctx_k and val to ctx_v
// size is the max number of strings allowed to contain
// idx is the current index of the ident
int empty_string_position = find_empty_string(ctx_k, 0);
cout<<"empty_string_position: "<<empty_string_position<<endl;
int zero_val_position = find_zero_val(ctx_v, 0);
cout<<"zero_val_position: "<<zero_val_position<<endl;
if (idx>size){
else if(idx==size || ident[idx] == '\0'){
else {
ctx_append_impl(ident, val, ctx_k, ctx_v, size, idx+1);
ctx_k[empty_string_position][idx] = ident[idx];
ctx_k[empty_string_position+1][0] = '"'; //closing string, step 1
ctx_k[empty_string_position+1][1] = '"'; //closing string, step 2
ctx_v[zero_val_position] = val; //update the value
ctx_v[zero_val_position+1] = 0; //close the ctx_v array
void ctx_append(const char ident[], int val, char ctx_k[][MAX_IDENT_LEN], int ctx_v[], unsigned int size){
ctx_append_impl(ident, val, ctx_k, ctx_v, size, 0);
int main(){
char s[100][MAX_IDENT_LEN]={{'a', 'b','\0'}, {'"','"','\0'}};
cout<<"s: "<<s[0][1]<<s[1][1]<<s[2][2]<<endl;
const char t[]={'c'};
int v[100] = {1, 2, };
int a=3;
ctx_append(t, a, s, v, 100);
cout<<"new s: "<<s[0][0]<<s[0][1]<<s[1][0]<<s[1][1]<<endl;
cout<<"new v: "<<v[0]<<v[1]<<v[2]<<v[3]<<endl;
The expected output of "new s" should be abc
only, but when I compile and run it, the ourput become abca
, where I have no idea where the last "a" appears.
Initially I suspect that the bug was due to the absence of '\0' in const char t[], so I edited t[] toconst char t[]={'c', '\0'}
But the bug still occurs, the only change is that the output is abc"
So the problem occured because initially there are a '"' in ctx_k[1][1] and I forgot to deal with it... the problem was solved after I inserted the following code 'ctx_k[empty_string_position][idx] = '\0';' between else if(idx==size || ident[idx] == '\0'){return}
Thanks for all you guys that helped me to debug!