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Private Sub Worksheet_Change for entering dates without "/" unexpectedly stops running after 3 dates are entered

I'm trying to make a simple code that can make data entry a little bit faster. A user should be able to type 13 for Jan 3rd, 22 for Feb 2nd, 310 for Mar 10th, 1005 for Oct 5th, 1220 for Dec 20th. All of the dates would use today's year.

The code seems to break, but still function, just incorrectly after performing as expected for 3 cells. Then, if I delete the column or reload the workbook it works again as intended, but only for the first 3 cells.

By still function, just incorrectly, it treats 13 as Jan 13, 1990; 22 as Jan 22, 1990; 310 as the 310th day of 1990; 1005 as the 1,220th day after Dec 31, 1899; and etc.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Not Intersect(Range("C:C"), Target) Is Nothing Then
        If Selection.Count > 1 Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        TLen = Len(Target)
        DaV = Target

        If TLen = 2 Then
            DaV = DateSerial(Year(Now), Left(Target, 1), Right(Target, 1))
        ElseIf TLen = 3 Then
            DaV = DateSerial(Year(Now), Left(Target, 1), Right(Target, 2))
        ElseIf TLen = 4 Then
            DaV = DateSerial(Year(Now), Left(Target, 2), Right(Target, 2))
            Exit Sub
        End If

        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Target = DaV
        Target.NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd"
        Application.EnableEvents = True
    End If
End Sub


  • Explanation

    The main problem with your code is that you are using .Value instead of .Value2

    You may want to read up on What is the difference between .text, .value, and .value2?

    The problem is when you format a cell, Excel automatically copies the format to the next cell below it. And since you are using .Value, the code picks up the formatted value. So it is a good idea to store the value in a variable and use that.

    So if you put a breakpoint in your code at TLen = Len(Target) you will get 10 instead of 4 for 1005. If you use .Value2 you will get 4 and not 10 or 5(For Date stored as number).

    enter image description here enter image description here

    I have also added few more checks. For example when extracted month is greater then 12 or extracted day is greater than 31 and also for the leap year. I have also added a check for Strings else you will get an error for string which have 2-4 length.

    I have commented the code so you should not have a problem understanding it. If you still do, then let me know.


    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        '~~> Error Handling
        On Error GoTo Whoa
        '~~> Check if there is more than one cell was changed
        If Target.Cells.CountLarge > 1 Then Exit Sub
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Dim D As Long, M As Long
        Dim TLen As Long
        Dim dt As String
        Dim FinalDate As Date
        '~~> Check if the change happened in column C
        If Not Intersect(Columns(3), Target) Is Nothing Then
            '~~> Get the value of changed cell
            dt = Target.Value2
            '~~> Get the length
            TLen = Len(dt)
            '~~> String check
            If Not IsNumeric(Target.Value2) Then GoTo Letscontinue
            '~~> FIRST CHECK: If the length is not as expected do nothing
            If TLen < 2 Or TLen > 4 Then GoTo GoToFormatAndExit
            '~~> Get the date and month
            Select Case TLen
                Case 2
                    D = Right(dt, 1)
                    M = Left(dt, 1)
                Case 3
                    D = Right(dt, 2)
                    M = Left(dt, 1)
                Case 4
                    D = Right(dt, 2)
                    M = Left(dt, 2)
            End Select
            '~~> FEW CHECKS: TO get correct dates
            '~~> Month more than 12
            If M > 12 Then GoTo GoToFormatAndExit
            '~~> Date more than 31
            If D > 31 Then GoTo GoToFormatAndExit
            '~~> Leap year
            If D > 28 And M = 2 And isLeapYear(Year(Now)) Then GoTo GoToFormatAndExit
            '~~> Construct final date
            FinalDate = DateSerial(Year(Now), M, D)
            '~~> Check if Excel created an incorrect date
            If Year(FinalDate) <> Year(Now) Then GoTo GoToFormatAndExit
            Target = FinalDate
            Target.NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd"
        End If
        Application.EnableEvents = True
        Exit Sub
        Application.EnableEvents = True
        '~~> Excel changes the format so keep it as general
        Target.NumberFormat = "General"
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox Err.Description
        Resume Letscontinue
    End Sub
    Public Function isLeapYear(Yr As Integer) As Boolean
        isLeapYear = (Month(DateSerial(Yr, 2, 29)) = 2)
    End Function

    In Action

    enter image description here


    I may have missed few more checks as I have not thouroughly tested this. Feel free to improvise the code.