If I have:
class Foo
virtual int Duplicate(int) const& = 0;
How can I define a mock object with gMock inheriting from Foo and mocking the Duplicate method?
I have tried:
class MockFoo : public Foo
MOCK_METHOD(int, Duplicate, (int), (const&, override));
but it doesn't work, do you have any suggestions?
At least from v1.12.x, from gmock_cook_book, use ref(&)
, so
class MockFoo : public Foo
MOCK_METHOD(int, Duplicate, (int), (const, ref(&), override));
For v1.10.0, there is still a workaround with indirection:
class MockFoo : public Foo
MOCK_METHOD(int, DuplicateRef, (int), (const));
int Duplicate(int n) const& override { return DuplicateRef(n); }