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Java generics Eclipse compiler bug?

My question is a follow up of an other guy's question: Unbounded wildcard passed to method

He was interested why the following code compiled:

public class ColTest {
    static<T> T wildSub(ArrayList<? extends T> holder, T arg){
        T t=holder.get(0);
        return t;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ArrayList<?> list=new ArrayList<Long>(Arrays.asList(2L,3L,7L));
        Long lng=1L;
        ColTest.wildSub(list, lng);

We came to a conclusion that the trick was that compiler inferred the ? as an Object and made the following Long argument pass thanks to the trivial inheritance of Object->Long.

The code does compile using Sun/Oracle javac (I use 1.6.0_26-b03), but does not compile in Eclipse (I use Helios) where it displays the following compilation error:

The method wildSub(ArrayList<? extends T>, T) in the type ColTest is not applicable for the arguments (ArrayList<capture#2-of ?>, Long)

My question is:

Is this a bug in the Java compiler implementation Eclipse uses or some kind of ambiguity in Java 'generics inference algorithm' specification that is valid and just implemented differently by Eclipse?


  • It appears to be an Eclipse bug.

    T should be inferred to as Object, per also has a catch-all clause: "Any remaining type variables that have not yet been inferred are then inferred to have type Object"

    with T=Object, per, the method is applicable.