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Display image of encode polyline in Mapbox

I have a encoded polyline like this: ki{eFvqfiVsBmA`Feh@qg@iX`B}JeCcCqGjIq~@kf@cM{KeHeX`@_GdGkSeBiXtB}YuEkPwFyDeAzAe@pC~DfGc@bIOsGmCcEiD~@oBuEkFhBcBmDiEfAVuDiAuD}NnDaNiIlCyDD_CtJKv@wGhD]YyEzBo@g@uKxGmHpCGtEtI~AuLrHkAcAaIvEgH_EaDR_FpBuBg@sNxHqEtHgLoTpIiCzKNr. Now I want it to display a static image of the path using Mapbox with Kotlin.

I have tried Mapbox Static Url to get the image but it always return the following error: {"message": "Not found"}. I have remove the special characters from the url to make it a valid url but then also giving above error.

Now how can I get the image successfully is there anything regarding encoding or decoding the polyline into coordinates if yes then how can i do it? Or is there something else I am missing?


  • I have found a way for those who need I am asnwering here for Mapbox only.

    You can just use this link with replacing the placeholder, but make sure that you encode the polyline before using it otherwise it can cause problem reported at: Static image api is not working in some cases

    NOTE: You can change the style of the map using the link styling by referring to the mapbox docs.