I was wondering if there is a better way to do this in NodeJS or plain javascript.
I wrote some functions that can do this by counting how many times they repeat, but i was wondering if there is a better way, or if theres any improvements to be made.
The input will always be a 256 bit number string consisting only of 1s and 0s ('00001110100101.....')
function toSmallString(x) { // {{{
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// always start with a 0 or a 1 to show bigstring where to start
var nn = `${x[0]}`;
var ar = x.split('')
var n = 0;
var lv = ar[0];
// a blank item to iterate, catches the last set of numbers
// 0 means ten and continue since we will always be above 1
for (const v of ar) {
// if flipping bits, store number and start over
if (lv !== v) { nn += n ;lv = v; n = 1 }
// increment if last value is same as this value, if value becomes 10, add a 0 to nn and start over
else { n = n + 1;if(n === 10){nn += '0';n = 0} }
function toBigString(x) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var ar = x.split('')
var sn = parseInt(ar.shift())
var nn = ''
// 0 means 10 zeros and continue without bitflipping
// any other number will expand and then flip bits
for (const v of ar) {
var n = parseInt(v)
var i = 1
if(n === 0){
nn += sn.toString().repeat(10)
} else {
while(i <= n){
nn += sn
i = i + 1
// bit flip
sn = (sn === 0) ? 1 : 0;
I tried a couple things, im very inexperienced (hexadecimal, scientific notation) but the values would change form when trying to convert it back to the original 256 bits of 1s and 0s.
each 1 and 0 is important, their placing and order is vital to preserve.
My plan is to store hundreds of thousands of these 256 bit strings, so a form of string conpression would be the way to go.
A simple solution could be to use a BigInt (which can safely represent a 256-bit number), then convert it to a hex string.
function toSmallString(x) {
return BigInt('0b' + x).toString(16); // bin => hex
function toBigString(x) {
return BigInt('0x' + x).toString(2).padStart(256, '0'); // hex => bin