I made a function in C++ that calculates the N-th Legendre polynomial and its derivative based on recursive formulas. It returns either zeros, bogus numbers or the "segmentation fault" error. I can't see what I did wrong. Care to help me out? Compiler is g++.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
struct LegendreValues
double function_value;
double derivative_value;
LegendreValues calculateLegendrePolynomAndDerivative(const int&, const double&);
double calculateLegendrePolynom(const int&, const double&);
double calculateLegendreDerivative(const int&, const double&);
int main()
int N;
LegendreValues values;
cout << "Unesite red Legendreovog polinoma: " << endl;
cin >> N;
cout << calculateLegendrePolynom(N, 0.5) << "\n" << calculateLegendreDerivative(N, 0.5) << endl;
LegendreValues calculateLegendrePolynomAndDerivative(const int& N, const double& x)
LegendreValues results;
if (N==0)
results.function_value = 1;
results.derivative_value = 0;
else if (N==1)
results.function_value = x;
results.derivative_value = 1;
else if (N>1)
results.function_value = (1/N) * ((2*N-1) * x * calculateLegendrePolynomAndDerivative(N-1, x).function_value - (N-1) * calculateLegendrePolynomAndDerivative(N-2, x).function_value);
results.derivative_value = N/(1-x*x) * ( calculateLegendrePolynomAndDerivative(N-1, x).function_value - x * calculateLegendrePolynomAndDerivative(N, x).function_value);
return results;
double calculateLegendrePolynom(const int& N, const double& x)
double fval;
if (N==0)
fval = 1;
else if (N==1)
fval = x;
else if (N>1)
fval = (1/N) * ((2*N-1) * x * calculateLegendrePolynom(N-1, x) - (N-1) * calculateLegendrePolynom(N-2, x));
return fval;
double calculateLegendreDerivative(const int& N, const double& x)
double dfval;
if (N==0)
dfval = 0;
else if (N==1)
dfval = 1;
else if (N>1)
dfval = N/(1-x*x) * ( calculateLegendreDerivative(N-1, x) - x * calculateLegendreDerivative(N, x));
return dfval;
The recursive formulas used: Legendre recursions
As you can see, I tried splitting the two things apart, and it still doesn't work.
The (1/N) versus (1.0/N) problem is easily fixed. Less so is the runaway expansion in function evaluations if you actually compute them by recursion without memoisation (storing previously-calculated values for immediate recall).
Consider N=6, say. This spawns calls for N=5 and N=4. The first spawns calls for N=4 (which spawns further lower calls) and N=3 (which will already have been calculated); the latter spawns calls for N=3 (already calculated several times over) and 2 (ditto).
So you make many extra unnecessary function evaluations and can run out of recursion stack.
It is simpler just to iteratively (rather than recursively) calculate for i=0,1,...,N. After all, you are going to have to work these out anyway. The code below uses a vector, but you could improve that further because you only actually need to store the previous two levels at each stage - a bit like a Fibonacci sequence.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct LegendreValues
double function_value;
double derivative_value;
LegendreValues calculate( const int& N, const double& x );
int main()
int N;
double x;
cout << "Enter the degree of polynomial (N >= 0): ";
cin >> N;
cout << "Enter the value of x ( 0 <= x < 1 ): ";
cin >> x;
LegendreValues values = calculate( N, x );
cout << "Function: " << values.function_value << '\n'
<< "Derivative: " << values.derivative_value << '\n';
LegendreValues calculate( const int& N, const double& x )
vector<LegendreValues> store( 1 + N );
for ( int i = 0; i <= N; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
store[i] = { 1.0, 0.0 };
else if ( i == 1 )
store[i] = { x, 1.0 };
store[i].function_value = ( 1.0 / i ) * ( ( 2 * i - 1 ) * x * store[i-1].function_value - ( i - 1 ) * store[i-2].function_value );
store[i].derivative_value = i / ( 1.0 - x * x ) * ( store[i-1].function_value - x * store[i].function_value );
return store[N];
Enter the degree of polynomial (N >= 0): 100
Enter the value of x ( 0 <= x < 1 ): 0.5
Function: -0.060518
Derivative: -7.03317