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What can I do to have excel ask for a specific cell to change and add or subtract from a macro I have created?

I am currently creating a PTO schedule for my workplace. We have a small company, yet I am attempting to make it easy for us to handle by using buttons and macros in excel.

I have created a button in my worksheet that subtracts 8 hours (a workday) from a persons hours, yet I would like it to ask which person (row) I would like to adjust and which PTO to pull from (column, being either Personal time or Vacation time).

Personal and Vacation columns

My code right now can only subtract 8 hours from one cell of an employee being his Personal time. I believe I am close, but I need help.

Private Sub cbPlusTimeJR_Click()
Range("f2").Value = Range("f2").Value - 8
End Sub

Above is the code I had used, now I need help beefing it up.


  • You can use InputBox() to prompt the user for an answer. Then use If/ElseIF/Else to test what they inputted and act accordingly.

    Something like:

    Private Sub cbPlusTimeJR_Click()
        'Declare a variable to hold column number
        Dim columnNum As Integer
        'Declare a variable to hold user response to prompt
        Dim vacOrPers As String
        'Get user response using an inputBox
        vacOrPers = InputBox("Do you wish to subtract from Vacation or Personal", "Hour Changes")
        'Test what their response was and act accordingly
        If InStr(1, LCase(vacOrPers), "vac") Then
            columnNum = 6 'Column F
        ElseIf InStr(1, LCase(vacOrPers), "per") Then
            columnNum = 7 'Column G
            MsgBox ("Please enter Vacation or Personal")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        'Subtract the hours
        Cells(5, columnNum).Value = Cells(5, columnNum).Value - 8
    End Sub

    The tests in the If portion of the code like InStr(1, LCase(vacOrPers), "vac") are saying "Does the lowercase version of what the user typed contain the string vac?