I am trying to add the route guard in my angular app.
I am building the routes dynamically from a JSON which has the following structure
"path": "software-upgrade",
"title": "Software Upgrade",
"canActivate": "AuthGuard", // This is the route guard name
"isMFE": true,
"loadRemoteModule": {
"type": "manifest",
"remoteName": "software-upgrade",
"exposedModule": "./Module"
"moduleName": "SoftwareUpgradeModule"
I am using the value of canActivate while building the route like this
path: route.path,
canActivate: [AuthGuard], // this works
// canActivate: [route.canActivate], // this does not work even though it is fetching the same value from JSON
I get the following error in console if i use the value from the JSON but the same thing works if I directly specify the value of the guard.
Is there any way of handling this?
You need to create an object map, where the key will be the authGuard
and the value will be AuthGuard
(the actual import)
import { AuthGuard } from 'some path';
export const DYNAMIC_ROUTING_MAP = {
'authGuard': AuthGuard,
Then on the dynamic routing, we can simply get the reference and set it!
path: route.path,
canActivate: [DYNAMIC_ROUTING_MAP[route.canActivate]], // <- changed here!