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How to add a dynamic route guard in angular from a JSON value?

I am trying to add the route guard in my angular app.

I am building the routes dynamically from a JSON which has the following structure

      "path": "software-upgrade",
      "title": "Software Upgrade",
      "canActivate": "AuthGuard",  // This is the route guard name
      "isMFE": true,
      "loadRemoteModule": {
        "type": "manifest",
        "remoteName": "software-upgrade",
        "exposedModule": "./Module"
      "moduleName": "SoftwareUpgradeModule"

I am using the value of canActivate while building the route like this

          path: route.path,
          canActivate: [AuthGuard],   // this works
          // canActivate: [route.canActivate], // this does not work even though it is fetching the same value from JSON

I get the following error in console if i use the value from the JSON but the same thing works if I directly specify the value of the guard.

error shown in console

Is there any way of handling this?


  • You need to create an object map, where the key will be the authGuard and the value will be AuthGuard (the actual import)

    import { AuthGuard } from 'some path';
    export const DYNAMIC_ROUTING_MAP = {
        'authGuard': AuthGuard,

    Then on the dynamic routing, we can simply get the reference and set it!

       path: route.path,
       canActivate: [DYNAMIC_ROUTING_MAP[route.canActivate]], // <- changed here!