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Google Sheet to JSON app script gives CORS error

I am getting a JSON from Sheet data using a deployed app script

The JSON data in the browsers looks correct

But when I add the URL to an app called to visually represent the data

I get a CORS error message

Please make sure the url below is valid and CORS is enabled.

How do I enable CORS for this deployed script?


Google sheet with data and code

app script

 * Test the original functionality of returning all objects
 * in the spreadsheet in JSON.
function test1() {
  return runTest_({
      parameters : {
        id : "12ygFGlEbqosGDj_4VSg6pzTjnHn58XuLAtmMpkdoUzM",
        sheet : "Elements",
        header : 1,
        startRow : 2,

 * Basic test logs a request and response. Use View -> Logs to check if it's
 * correct.
 * (In the future maybe actually check equality to expected output.)
 * @param request The HTTP request to test
function runTest_(request) {

 * Main method is called when the script receives a GET request.
 * Receives the request, generates and returns the output.
function doGet(request) {
  // Get request params.
  var sheetKey  =;
  var sheetName = request.parameters.sheet;
  var callback  = request.parameters.callback;
  var headerRow = request.parameters.header;
  var startRow  = request.parameters.startRow;
  // Parse the spreadsheet.
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(sheetKey);
  var keys = getHeaderRowKeys_(spreadsheet, sheetName, headerRow);
  var data = readData_(spreadsheet, sheetName, keys, startRow);
  // Filter for matching terms.
  data = data.filter(function(entry) {
    var matches = true;
    for (var k in keys) {
      var key = keys[k].replace(/\s+/g, '_');
      var searchTerm = request.parameters[key];
      // Use the string form of the value since params are strings by default
      if (searchTerm != undefined)
        matches = matches && ("" + entry[key] == searchTerm);
    // Matches is true iff all params are undefined or all values for keys match.
    return matches;
  // Write and return the response.
  var response = JSON.stringify({ elements: data });
  var output = ContentService.createTextOutput();
  if (callback == undefined) {
    // Serve as JSON
  } else {
    // Serve as JSONP
    output.setContent(callback + "(" + response + ")")
  return output;

 * Get a row in a spreadsheet as an Object, using the values in the header row as
 * keys and the corresponding row values as the values.
 * @param spreadsheet Spreadsheet object housing the sheet and header
 * @param sheetName Name of the specific sheet in the spreadsheet with the data
 * @param properties Optional array of keys to use for the row values. Default is the first row.
 * @param startRowNum Optional top row number of the rows to parse. The default is
 * the second row (i.e., below the header).
function readData_(spreadsheet, sheetName, properties, startRowNum) {
  if (typeof properties == "undefined") {
    properties = getHeaderRowKeys_(spreadsheet, sheetName);
  var rows = getDataRows_(spreadsheet, sheetName, startRowNum);
  var data = [];
  for (var r = 0, l = rows.length-1; r < l; r++) {
    var row = rows[r];
    var record = {};
    for (var p in properties) {
      record[properties[p]] = row[p];
  return data;

 * Parse spreadsheet data as an array of Javascript Objects.
 * @param spreadsheet Spreadsheet object with the data to get
 * @param sheetName Name of the specific sheet in the spreadsheet with the data
 * @param startRowNum Optional top row number of the rows to parse. The default is
 * the second row (i.e., below the header).
function getDataRows_(spreadsheet, sheetName, startRowNum) {
  if (typeof startRowNum == "undefined") startRowNum = 2;
  var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(sheetName);
  return sheet.getRange(startRowNum, 1, sheet.getLastRow(), sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues();

 * Return the array of keys used in the header, replacing whitespace with underscores.
 * @param spreadsheet Spreadsheet object housing the sheet and header
 * @param sheetName Name of the specific sheet in the spreadsheet whose header values to get
 * @param rowNum Optional exact row number of the header. Default is the first row.
function getHeaderRowKeys_(spreadsheet, sheetName, rowNum) {
  if (typeof rowNum == "undefined") rowNum = 1;
  return getHeaderRow_(spreadsheet, sheetName, rowNum).map(function(value) { 
    return value.replace(/\s+/g, '_');

 * Get the values in the header row of the given sheet in a spreadsheet
 * @param spreadsheet Spreadsheet object housing the sheet and header
 * @param sheetName Name of the specific sheet in the spreadsheet whose header values to get
 * @param rowNum Exact row number of the header.
function getHeaderRow_(spreadsheet, sheetName, rowNum) {
  var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(sheetName);
  return sheet.getRange(rowNum, 1, 1, sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];


  • This is just my guess. From your following situation,

    The JSON data in the browsers looks correct But when I add the URL to an app called to visually represent the data I get a CORS error message

    and, from the result that I accessed your showing URL of Web Apps,

    I guessed that the reason for your current issue might be due to the setting of your Web Apps. So, when I saw the Google Apps Script project of your provided Spreadsheet, I noticed that the setting of your Web Apps was as follows.

      "webapp": {
        "executeAs": "USER_ACCESSING",
        "access": "ANYONE"

    In this case, in order to access the Web Apps, it is required to log in to Google account. Although I'm not sure about of But when I add the URL to an app called to visually represent the data, I guess that this might be the reason for your current issue.

    In this case, please update your Web Apps by the following setting.

    Execute as: me
    Who has access to the app: Anyone

    If you want to modify appsscript.json, please modify it as follows.

    • From

        "webapp": {
          "executeAs": "USER_ACCESSING",
          "access": "ANYONE"
    • To

        "webapp": {
          "executeAs": "USER_DEPLOYING",
          "access": "ANYONE_ANONYMOUS"

    With this modification, your Web Apps can be accessed without logging in to your Google account.

