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Azure AD OIDC authentication on a Blazor 8 web app using Microsoft.Identity.Web doesn't produce refresh token

I have setup a Blazor 8 web app with Azure AD authentication using the Microsoft.Identity.Web (AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApp from Microsoft.Identity.Web).

It all works fine as I get the access token for the web app authentication/authorization and I also use that for the Web API bearer token. The problem comes to the lack of refresh token. I have the following in the scope : offline_access, profile and openid. I don't however, get the refresh token. Due to the lack of refresh token, I am not able to refresh the access token after it expires.

I get the access token with the code below

 options.Events.OnTokenValidated = async context =>
    accessToken = context.TokenEndpointResponse!.AccessToken;

I was expecting the refresh token with a code like

context.GetTokenAsync("refresh_token"); but I get null.

Any ideas what could the potential reasons be for not getting the refresh tokens please?


  • OK. I managed to solve this one. My problem was the exact one highlighted at

    The resolution was found at