Beginner at Blazor here.
I have this very simple Razor component that has a property named Paragraph
which is being used by the HTML <p>
@code {
public string Paragraph { get; set; } = "initial value";
In a parent component, I use this component (named Foo) and change the Paragraph property in OnAfterRender:
<Foo @ref="_foo" />
@code {
private Foo? _foo;
protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
if (_foo is not null)
_foo.Paragraph = "Changed";
However, this doesn't really do anything; I still see the paragraph 'initial value' and not 'Changed'. In fact, the line of code _foo.Paragraph = "Changed";
does execute, but I don't really see anything being changed.
I also tried to invoke the StateHasChanged()
method on the parent element after changing the Paragraph property but it didn't really change anything.
Is there a technical reason on why the paragraph doesn't change to Changed
? I've seen numerous similar questions but haven't found a solution that solves my problem.
The parent just has <Foo @ref="_foo" />
, note that there are no parameters. Blazor will re-render child components when parameters (might) have changed.
I also tried to invoke the StateHasChanged()
- that comes close but it will only re-render the parent, not the Foo component.
Since StateHasChanged() is protected you can't call it directly so you'll have to add a method to Foo and use it like:
if (firstRender)
if (_foo is not null)
_foo.Paragraph = "Changed";
But of course the use of @ref
is not advisable here, prefer <Foo Paragraph="@someText" />
. That way both Parent and Child will only re-render when needed.