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Removing Values in Multiple Columns

I need some help with creating a vba code that delete the entire row if the value of one cell in column L is equal to zero and if the value on the cell on its left which in the column K is also zero or blank. On the other hand, if the value of one cell in column L is equal to zero and if the value on the cell on its left is not equal to zero or blank, just proceed to deleting the zero value in Column L. Also, if one cell in column G is equal to zero also delete the entire row, if it's equal to blank or not equal to zero then do nothing. Kindly see below for my code. I honestly don't know how to put the second condition and third condition.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

    Dim i As Long, n As Long
    Dim rg1 As Range, rg2 As Range, rg3 As Range
    Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Source")

       Application.ScreenUpdating = False
       With ActiveSheet

       Set rg1 = Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns("K"))
       Set rg2 = Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns("L"))
          n = rg1.Rows.Count
          n2= rg2.Rows.Count        
          For i = n To 1 Step -1
          For i2 = n2 To 1 Step -1

        If Not IsError(rg2.Cells(i2, 1).Value) Then
            If rg2.Cells(i2, 1).Value = 0 And rg1.Cells(i, 1).Value = 0 or "" Then          rg2.Rows(i2).EntireRow.Delete

        End If
   End With

MsgBox "Zero Values Removed", vbInformation

End Sub


    • Use a nested If clause
    • For a single column range, .Cells(i,1) is equalient to .Cells(i)
    Option Explicit
    Sub Demo()
        Dim i As Long, n As Long
        Dim rg1 As Range, rg2 As Range
        Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Source")
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        With ActiveSheet
            Set rg1 = Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns("K"))
            Set rg2 = Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns("L"))
        End With
        n = rg1.Rows.Count
        For i = n To 1 Step -1
            If rg2.Cells(i).Value = 0 Then
                If rg1.Cells(i).Value = 0 Or Len(rg1.Cells(i).Value) = 0 Then
                    rg2.Cells(i).Value = ""
                End If
            End If
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        MsgBox "Zero Values Removed", vbInformation
    End Sub

    • If there's a large dataset on the sheet, it's more efficient to collect all cells and apply changes all at once.
    Sub Demo2()
        Dim i As Long, n As Long
        Dim rg1 As Range, rg2 As Range
        Dim resetRng As Range, delRowRng As Range
        Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Source")
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        With ActiveSheet
            Set rg1 = Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns("K"))
            Set rg2 = Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns("L"))
        End With
        n = rg1.Rows.Count
        For i = n To 1 Step -1
            If rg2.Cells(i).Value = 0 Then
                If rg1.Cells(i).Value = 0 Or Len(rg1.Cells(i).Value) = 0 Then
                    If delRowRng Is Nothing Then
                        Set delRowRng = rg1.Cells(i)
                        Set delRowRng = Application.Union(delRowRng, rg1.Cells(i))
                    End If
                    If resetRng Is Nothing Then
                        Set resetRng = Cells(i)
                        Set resetRng = Application.Union(resetRng, rg2.Cells(i))
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        If delRowRng Is Nothing Then
        End If
        If resetRng Is Nothing Then
            resetRng.Value = ""
        End If
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        MsgBox "Zero Values Removed", vbInformation
    End Sub


    Question: if I would like to add one more condition where in if the one cell in column G is equal to zero then also delete the entire row. However, if one cell in column G is blank then do nothing

    Sub Demo3()
        Dim i As Long, n As Long
        Dim rg1 As Range, rg2 As Range, rg0 As Range ' **
        Dim resetRng As Range, delRowRng As Range
        Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Source")
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        With ActiveSheet
            Set rg0 = Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns("G"))
            Set rg1 = Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns("K"))
            Set rg2 = Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns("L"))
        End With
        n = rg1.Rows.Count
        For i = n To 1 Step -1
            If rg0.Cells(i).Text = 0 Then
                If delRowRng Is Nothing Then
                    Set delRowRng = rg1.Cells(i)
                    Set delRowRng = Application.Union(delRowRng, rg1.Cells(i))
                End If 
            End If
            If rg2.Cells(i).Value = 0 Then
                If rg1.Cells(i).Value = 0 Or Len(rg1.Cells(i).Value) = 0 Then
                    If delRowRng Is Nothing Then
                        Set delRowRng = rg1.Cells(i)
                        Set delRowRng = Application.Union(delRowRng, rg1.Cells(i))
                    End If
                ElseIf Len(rg1.Cells(i).Value) > 0 Then
                    If resetRng Is Nothing Then
                        Set resetRng = rg2.Cells(i)
                        Set resetRng = Application.Union(resetRng, rg2.Cells(i))
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        If Not delRowRng Is Nothing Then
        End If
        If Not resetRng Is Nothing Then
            resetRng.Value = ""
        End If
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        MsgBox "Zero Values Removed", vbInformation
    End Sub