How can I achieve the following behaviour using Angular Material and Drag&Drop functionalities? I want to be able to see the cards fully expanded on mouse over, so the other cards below just move down their absolute margin-tops, and still be able to rearrange them using drag&drop cdk.
Those are a couple of examples from a website that offers this functionality. I was wondering if it can be done with Angular and Material.
I was able to stack them by using position: absolute
and margin-top: calc(35% * (var(--index)));
them but still don't know how to make the one hovered full height while pushing the others below down.
Also, my solution seems to be a bit clumsy as it recalculates the margin a lot when there is a drag movement, you can see how it "jumps" or "staggers" a lot. That would be another problem, though.
This is my example:
Thanks in advance.
We can use the general sibling selector (~
) to offset the other cards, below a height, here 130px
, this will give the desired result!
.example-box:hover ~ div.example-box {
margin-top: calc((35% * (var(--index))) + 130px);
full css
.example-list {
width: 200px;
height: 100%;
display: block;
position: relative;
.example-box {
position: absolute;
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
padding: 20px 10px;
border: solid 1px #ccc;
box-sizing: border-box;
cursor: move;
background: white;
margin-top: calc(35% * (var(--index)));
.example-box:hover ~ div.example-box {
margin-top: calc((35% * (var(--index))) + 130px);
.cdk-drag-preview {
box-sizing: border-box;
border-radius: 4px;
box-shadow: 0 5px 5px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2),
0 8px 10px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 3px 14px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
.cdk-drag-placeholder {
opacity: 0;
.cdk-drag-animating {
transition: transform 250ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1);
.example-list.cdk-drop-list-dragging .example-box:not(.cdk-drag-placeholder) {
transition: transform 250ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1);