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How to ignore the dynamic value in the JSONPath Expression of SoapUI while only validate against the rest complete payload?

I want to validate the JSON response of all key value pair except the timestamp which is Dynamics. Either I have to write multiple JSONPath Expression assertions or can achieve this in one assertion?

Only want to ignore timestamp value match and rest all should match.

enter image description here


  • Use script assertion to validate the required fields in response.

    // Read response
    def response=messageExchange.response.responseContent
     // Parse json Response
    def jsonSul=new JsonSlurper().parseText(response)
    def actualEnvironment = jsonSul.environment
    def actualMessage = jsonSul.message
    // add all required fields
    def expectedEnvironment = "qa" // You can read from Properties file as well depends where you are storing the expected results.
    // Validate
    assert expected==actual