I've got a JavaScript application that uses a lot of callbacks. A typical function will take a callback, and wrap it with another callback.
Namespace.foo = function( arg, their_on_success ) {
var my_on_success = function( result ) {
console.log( 'my_on_success() called' );
if( 'function' === typeof their_on_success ) {
their_on_success( result );
something( arg, my_on_success );
Given the above example, when should such a setup us the native call()
method (passing the result var as the second argument) rather than invoking their_on_success()
and passing in the result via function invocation?
call() is used to change the this value of the function:
var obj = {a: 0};
method.call(obj, "parameter");
function method(para) {
this.a == 0; // true <-- obj is now this