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Calculate matrix determinant with partial pivoting Gauss in C

I'm trying to make a simple console application in C which will calculate the determinant of a Matrix using the Gauss partial pivoting elimination method. The 2 problems that I have are : - someone told me that there are certain matrix-es that don't work with this method ( mathematically speaking ), after reading articles on google, i could not find what is that special case - after a lot of tests I found out that my program is not working for some matrix-es, after 2 days of "wasting" time editing and undoing, i could not find the problem.

Any type of improvements are more than welcomed. I'm just starting with C.


// calculate biggest element on column

int indice_max(int dim, int col, float coloana[20][20]) {

    float max = 0;
    int indice;

    for(int i = 1; i <= dim; i++)
        if(fabs(max) < fabs(coloana[i][col])) {
            max = coloana[i][col];
            indice = i;

    return indice;


// permute 2 lines

void permutare_linie(int linie1, int linie2, int dim, float matrice[20][20]) {

    float aux;

    for(int i = 1; i <= dim; i++) {
        aux = matrice[linie1][i];
        matrice[linie1][i] = matrice[linie2][i];
        matrice[linie2][i] = aux;


// print matrix

void afisare_matrice(int dimensiune, float matrice[20][20], int lpiv) {

    for(int i = 1; i<= dimensiune; i++) {
        for(int j = 1; j <= dimensiune; j++) {
            if(i == lpiv)
                SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), BACKGROUND_GREEN);
            printf("%4.2f ", matrice[i][j]);


void main(void) {

    float matrice[20][20];
    int dimensiune ;
    float rezultat = 1;
    float pivot;
    int lpiv;
    int cpiv;
    int optiune;
    while(1) {

        // MENU

        printf("ALEGET OPTIUNEA:\n");
        printf("1) Calculate matrix determinant\n");
        printf("2) Exit\n");
        scanf("%d", &optiune);

        if(optiune == 1) {

            // Read determinant dimension

            printf("Matrix dimension:");
            scanf("%d", &dimensiune);

            // Read determinant

            for(int i = 1; i <= dimensiune; i++)
                for(int j = 1; j <= dimensiune; j++) {
                    printf("M[%d][%d]=", i, j);
                    scanf("%f", &matrice[i][j]);

            // pivot initial coords

            lpiv = 1;
            cpiv = 1;

            printf("\n----- Entered Matrix -----\n\n");
            afisare_matrice(dimensiune, matrice, 0);

            for(int pas = 1; pas <= dimensiune - 1; pas++) {

                if(fabs(matrice[lpiv][cpiv]) > fabs(matrice[indice_max(dimensiune, cpiv, matrice)][cpiv])) {
                    permutare_linie(lpiv, indice_max(dimensiune, cpiv, matrice), dimensiune, matrice);
                    rezultat = -(rezultat);

                pivot = matrice[lpiv][cpiv];

                for(int inm = 1; inm <= dimensiune; inm++) {
                    matrice[lpiv][inm] = matrice[lpiv][inm] / pivot;

                rezultat *= fabs(pivot);

                // transform matrix to a superior triangular 
                for(int l = lpiv+1; l <= dimensiune; l++)
                    for(int c=cpiv+1; c <= dimensiune; c++) {
                        matrice[l][c] -= matrice[l][cpiv] * matrice[lpiv][c] / matrice[lpiv][cpiv];

                for(int i = lpiv + 1; i <= dimensiune; i++)
                    matrice[i][cpiv] = 0;
                // afisam rezultat / pas

                printf("----- Step %d -----\n\n", pas);
                afisare_matrice(dimensiune, matrice, lpiv);
                printf("\nResult after step %d : %4.2f\n\n", pas, rezultat);

            // final result

            rezultat = rezultat * matrice[dimensiune][dimensiune];
            printf("----- REZULTAT FINAL -----\n\n");
            SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY);
            printf("Rezultat = %4.2f\nRezultat rotunjit:%4.0f\n\n", rezultat, floorf(rezultat * 100 +  0.5) / 100);

        else {


  • Your code does some division:

    matrice[lpiv][inm] = matrice[lpiv][inm] / pivot;

    If it happens to divide by zero, an error will occur. I guess this will happen for the zero matrix.

    It seems that your code is actually trying to invert the matrix, not just calculate the determinant.