I have a number of Eclipse projects that are all using classes from a specific package, let's call it "gr.serafeim". Now, I want to find where (which line numbers of each file) in all my source files are the members of gr.serafeim are used. The problem is that I am usually using imports and not the fully qualified names of classes, so searching for "gr.serafeim" will only return me the import statements :(
I don't want anything fance, just a quick and dirty solution to find out all the lines containing classes of the gr.serafeim package (an eclipse plugin ?). As an added value, I don't want only the declarations but also the method calls of these function.
Here's an example of what I actually wanted:
// File main.java
import gr.serafeim.*;
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Test is a member of gr.serafeim !
Test t = new Test(5);
int i=3;
What I'd like to get as a return from the previous file would be something like this
main.java: 5: Test t = new Test(5);
main.java: 7: t.add(i);
If the previous can't be done, then I could also go with a way to massively name qualify all my classes. So the statement
Test t = new Test(5);
would become
gr.serafeim.Test t = new gr.serafeim.Test(5);
and then I'd just grep for gr.serafiem. This of course won't help in finding the t.add(i) line but would be a good first step and I could go from there checking the code myself ...
Here's a hack:
Mark the package as deprecated using a package-info.java file:
package com.yourcompany.yourpackage;
Now you should see compiler warnings everywhere you use the package