I have Output A:
| year | group | amount |
| 2018 | a | 5 |
| 2019 | a | 6 |
| 2021 | a | 1239 |
I have Output B:
| year | group | amount |
| 2021 | b | 12 |
| 2022 | b | 34 |
| 2023 | b | 5691 |
I have Output C:
| year | group | amount |
| 2018 | total | 12 |
| 2019 | total | 34 |
| 2020 | total | 5691 |
| 2021 | total | 12341 |
| 2022 | total | 96812 |
| 2023 | total | 100123 |
I want to combine Output A and Output B and Output C so it looks like this:
| year | total_ | a_amount | b_amount |
| | amount | | |
| 2018 | 12 | 5 | 0 |
| 2019 | 34 | 6 | 0 |
| 2020 | 5691 | 0 | 0 |
| 2021 | 12341 | 1239 | 12 |
| 2022 | 96812 | 0 | 34 |
| 2023 | 100123 | 0 | 5691 |
My goal is to find the % amount on A vs B (this I would just find on my own but that's my "greater goal"). I just need help on how I can transform A B and C to the Desired Output above. I've tried doing a UNION but that doesn't seem to give me what I need.
Is there a way to do this in Snowflake?
Making some assumptions here, but unless you are looking for a way to dynamically pivot based on your GROUP
columns, then this should be a simple LEFT JOIN
situation. I am assuming in the following code that you have all of years in your C output, but if that isn't the case, then switching to a FULL OUTER JOIN
with coalesce on your year would work, as well:
First, I'm using CTE to select your sample data:
with table_a as (
select *
from (values(2018, 'a', 5),
(2019, 'a', 6),
(2021, 'a', 1239))x(year,group_val,amount)
), table_b as (
select *
from (values(2021, 'b', 12),
(2022, 'b', 34),
(2023, 'b', 5691))x(year,group_val,amount)
), table_c as (
select *
from (values(2018, 'total', 12),
(2019, 'total', 34),
(2020, 'total', 5691),
(2021, 'total', 12341),
(2022, 'total', 95812),
(2023, 'total', 100123))x(year,group_val,amount)
Then I just LEFT JOIN
and use IFNULL
to get ZEROS where you'd have NULL values:
select c.year
, c.amount as total_amount
, IFNULL(a.amount,0) as a_amount
, IFNULL(b.amount,0) as b_amount
from table_c c
left join table_a a
on c.year = a.year
left join table_b b
on c.year = b.year;