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Pivot Table Filter By Date - Error 1004 Application-defined or object-defined error

Im trying to filter my PIVOT TABLE by Date but I keep getting same error: "Error 1004 Application-defined or object-defined error" and it points out at this part of the code:

.PivotFilters.Add Type:=xlDateBetween, Value1:=CLng(startDate), Value2:=CLng(endDate)

I put the IF statement to make sure that the date format is correct, but I keep getting the "Error 1004 Application-defined or object-defined error" (The format is okey)

This is what I have in C2 and C3

enter image description here

And this is what I have in the data with which I created the pivot table.

enter image description here

Picture of my pivot table:

enter image description here

Sub CreatePivotTable()

Some Code...

 ' Define start and end dates from the "Deporte" worksheet
    Dim startDate As Variant
    Dim endDate As Variant
    startDate = ws_Dest.Range("C2")
    endDate = ws_Dest.Range("C3")

    If IsDate(startDate) And IsDate(endDate) Then

        ' Apply the date filter
        With ptTable.PivotFields("Fecha Desde") ' Ensure this is the correct field name
            .ClearAllFilters ' Clear any existing filters
            .PivotFilters.Add Type:=xlDateBetween, Value1:=CLng(startDate), Value2:=CLng(endDate)
        End With

        MsgBox "The start date or end date is not a valid date."
    End If

    ' Refresh the PivotTable to apply the date filter

End sub

Here is a table generated:

Fecha Desde SKU Ventas Division
29-01-2024 mpm23958 3000 Deporte
05-02-2024 mpm38754 2000 Regalos
19-02-2024 mpm48832 4000 Deporte
29-01-2024 mpm38784 300 Deporte
19-02-2024 mpm28494 500 Deporte


    • Looping through PivotItems to filter the expected date range
    Sub FilterPivotTable()
     ' Define start and end dates from the "Deporte" worksheet
        Dim startDate As Variant
        Dim endDate As Variant
        Dim pvtItem As PivotItem, iVal As Long
        Dim ws_Dest: Set ws_Dest = ActiveSheet ' for testing
        Dim ptTable: Set ptTable = ws_Dest.PivotTables(1) ' for testing
        startDate = ws_Dest.Range("C2")
        endDate = ws_Dest.Range("C3")
        If IsDate(startDate) And IsDate(endDate) Then
            startDate = CLng(startDate)
            endDate = CLng(endDate)
            ' Apply the date filter
            With ptTable.PivotFields("Fecha Desde") ' Ensure this is the correct field name
                For Each pvtItem In .PivotItems
                    iVal = CLng(CDate(pvtItem.Value))
                    pvtItem.Visible = (iVal >= startDate And iVal <= endDate)
            End With
            MsgBox "The start date or end date is not a valid date."
        End If
        ' Refresh the PivotTable to apply the date filter
    End Sub

    Question: For example: Start Date is 01/01/2024 and endDat is 24/03/2024. But its not filtering 08/01/2024. Why do you think this happens or what do you recomend I do?

    • Excel think 08/01/2024 is 2024 Aug 01 instead of 2024 Jan 08. Below code proves it.
    • If you have to use dd/MMM/yyyy on date column, you can use a UDF to convert a date string to its value.
    • Replace CLng(CDate(..)) and CLng(..) to Date2Lng(..) in FilterPivotTable().
    Function Date2Lng(ByVal sDate As String) As Long
        Dim aTxt
        aTxt = Split(sDate, "/")
        If UBound(aTxt) = 2 Then
            Date2Lng = CLng(VBA.DateSerial(aTxt(2), aTxt(1), aTxt(0)))
            Date2Lng = 0
        End If
    End Function
    Sub test()
        Dim sDay As String: sDay = "08/01/2024"
        Debug.Print Format(sDay, "yyyy MMM dd")
        Debug.Print CLng(CDate(sDay))
        Debug.Print Date2Lng(sDay)
        Debug.Print Format(Date2Lng(sDay), "yyyy MMM dd")
    End Sub


    2024 Aug 01
    2024 Jan 08