My problem is simple to understand but hard to implement.
I have a Spring Boot application with a classic pattern (Controller / Service / Dao&Repository / Entity) Different schema are used in the database. For example, I can have COMMON_SCHEMA.USERS and SPECIFIC_SCHEMA_A.ITEMS.
The best approch I think is to implement multi-tenant, that's what I did.
And here is my problem :
Below are the main classes that are used.
public class MultitenantDataSource extends AbstractRoutingDataSource {
private String defaultTenant;
protected Object determineCurrentLookupKey() {
String currentTenant = TenantContext.getCurrentTenant();
return StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(currentTenant, defaultTenant);
public class TenantContext {
private static final ThreadLocal<String> currentTenant = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static void setCurrentTenant(String tenant) {
public static String getCurrentTenant() {
return currentTenant.get();
public static void clear() {
public class TEST_ControllerImpl extends SessionFactoryUtil
implements TEST_Controller {
private final EvGroupService evGroupService;
public ResponseEntity<?> getGrp(String token, String grp) {
EvGroup result1 = evGroupService.findByCode(grp);
EvGroup result2 = evGroupService.findByCode(grp);
return ResponseEntity.ok(convert(result1));
Hope you have the spark that will iluminates my day/week/month/year :D Thanks
I tried ChatGpt of course I tried set @Transactionnal annotation in service method signature (even with Transactional.TxType.REQUIRES_NEW) Look through a lot of post but not the same issue as me.
Try setting setting following property to false
open-in-view: false
Otherwise, once you open a session (Connection
) to the database, it remains opened until you exit your controller method. Therefore, you can't really change the udnerlying datasource mid-flight.
What happens in your code is following:
public ResponseEntity<?> getGrp(String token, String grp) {
// sets tenant
// in background creates database connection using COMMON_TENANT key
EvGroup result1 = evGroupService.findByCode(grp);
// clears threadlocal
// sets tentant to SPECIFIC_TENANT_A
// because is set to true connection is not closed
// but reused and still points to COMMON_TENANT
EvGroup result2 = evGroupService.findByCode(grp);
return ResponseEntity.ok(convert(result1));