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Nunit TestCase attribute with Jagged Array ? c#

I'm working on a feature where a jagged array is used as a param, i coult not found any information to create a test case using a jagged array.

  static public int[][] jaggedValues()
      int[][] jagged = new int[3][];

      jagged[0] = [1, 1, 1, 0];
      jagged[1] = [0,5,0,1];
      jagged[2] = [2,1,3,10];
      return jagged;

How can i do ? Thanks!.

i tried to search for information however i could not found anything useful


  • OK, here's an example for you.

    internal class JaggedArrayExample {
        [TestCaseSource(typeof(JaggedArrayDataSource), nameof(JaggedArrayDataSource.TestData))]
        public void Demo(int[][] data) {
    internal class JaggedArrayDataSource {
        internal static IEnumerable TestData() {
            yield return Array.Empty<int[]>();

