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Use Record Number and Heading Names to sort rows to columns, skipping blank cells

Sample data here:

I have sample data that looks like this: enter image description here

I want the result to look like this: enter image description here

  1. I need one formula that uses the RED number (e.g "J1") to pull data from that record number on the table (not row number)

  2. I need to pull the information by Heading name (not Column Letter);

  3. I need to skip blank cells.

I have tried a number of things, but I'm just not good enough at Google Sheets coding. But I did get this far, pulling information by heading name:

=INDEX('Sheet1'!$A$1:$AW,MATCH(J1,'Sheet 1'!$A$1:$A,false),MATCH("FIRST",'Sheet 1'!$A$1:$AW$1,false))

Yet I can't figure out how to stack this for multiple cells and then to skip cells that are blank.


  • You may try:


    enter image description here