This following code works, but it needs to be simplified so that the table columns are deleted with one line of code if possible. The columns are noncontiguous and are downloaded straight from a website that supplies the data, so I can only work with what I'm given each time I download the data.
Sub dataSort()
ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, _
Range([A1].End(xlDown), [A1].End(xlToRight)), _
, xlYes).Name = "dataSort"
Range("dataSort[Vortex ID]").Delete
Range("dataSort[Lead Status]").Delete
Range("dataSort[Listing Status]").Delete
Range("dataSort[Mailing City]").Delete
Range("dataSort[Mailing State]").Delete
Range("dataSort[Mailing Zip]").Delete
Range("dataSort[List Price]").Delete
Range("dataSort[Lead Date]").Delete
Range("dataSort[Status Date]").Delete
Range("dataSort[Lot Size]").Delete
Range("dataSort[Phone Counter]").Delete
Range("dataSort[Email Counter]").Delete
Range("dataSort[Mail Counter]").Delete
Range("dataSort[House Number]").Delete
Range("dataSort[Tax ID]").Delete
End Sub
Sub CleanData()
Const TABLE_NAME As String = "DataSort"
Dim ColumnTitles() As Variant: ColumnTitles = Array( _
"Vortex ID", "Lead Status", "Listing Status", "Address", _
"Mailing City", "Mailing State", "Mailing Zip", "List Price", _
"Lead Date", "Status Date", "Type", "Lot Size", _
"Phone Counter", "Email Counter", "Mail Counter", "House Number", _
"Tax ID")
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet
Dim lo As ListObject: Set lo = ws.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, _
ws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion, , xlYes)
lo.Name = TABLE_NAME
Dim urg As Range, crg As Range, n As Long
For n = LBound(ColumnTitles) To UBound(ColumnTitles)
On Error Resume Next ' prevent error if column doesn't exist
Set crg = lo.ListColumns(ColumnTitles(n)).Range
On Error GoTo 0
If Not crg Is Nothing Then ' column exists
If urg Is Nothing Then Set urg = crg Else Set urg = Union(urg, crg)
Set crg = Nothing ' reset for the next iteration
End If
Next n
If Not urg Is Nothing Then urg.Delete Shift:=xlShiftToLeft
End Sub