I am trying to find out mac address of a machine in a switched environment after sending it a raw packet. I am trying to implement traceroute command . I want to know when i receive a ICMP time exceeded message how can I extract the mac address of that machine . I am a new to network programming so am confused what socket call will help me to extract the mac address.
Thanks .
No, you can not extract MAC address from ICMP reply.
You can only determine MAC addresses of linked machines next to you. In ICMP(tracert) you can just find out the IP address of target or middle machine.
If you want to detect MAC addresses, you should use ARP protcols where it's applicable in local networks not Internet.
ICMP protocol starts after IPv4 header[1] and MAC addresses is related to physical/link layer. In low level layers the MAC addresses will transparent from top level layers such as network(IP) or Transmission,...
To determining MAC addresses, you should use Raw sockets or PCAP SDKs to access lower layers of network programming. (I say again, these are not useful over Internet)