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AVERAGEIFS/SUMIFS formula is not sorting ASC or DESC

I am having trouble sorting an AVERAGEIFS column (and a SUMIFS column) DESC or ASC

ESSENTIALLY, I am looking at labor statistics data for 2017-2020; by industry, and year


Is the formula. The formula is correct, and yielding the correct values. However, when trying to sort the values, it does not nothing and just refresh the exact values.

I've connected a chart to the results, which works well, however, I can't organize the bars descending since the source data is having the issue I referenced. I tried deleting the page references like some other forums suggested to no avail.

Any insight??

enter image description here

I tried deleting the page references like some other forums suggested to no avail,

I've used dynamic arrays for the industry and plain values to see...

** UPDATE** attaching a photo on what fixed it, thanks so much for everyone contributing! See second photo for answer

enter image description here


  • You can select the chart source data as a whole table and then sort with the sort dialog found in the Data ribbon. However, if the Industry labels are generated with a Dynamic array formula, using Unique() for example, then you cannot use a manual sort on the table. You can copy and paste/values the Industry labels, so they are no longer a dynamica array, then sort the table.

    enter image description here

    If you need a more dynamic solution, consider using a Pivot Table instead of a formulaic table. What you want to achieve can be done in a Pivot Table / Pivot Chart with just a few clicks, without writing any formulas.