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Multi-selector Selector in Acumatica

Hi is there a way to extend the limit of values that the multi-selector accepts? I found out that it limits to only 10 values.


I am trying to extend the limit to upto 50 values if possible. Image

this is my code it works perfectly, but it only limits to 10 values:

`    #region LocationID
    [PXDBString(255, IsUnicode = true)]
        And<Location.status, Equal<>>>>),
        ValidateValue = false)]
    [PXUIField(DisplayName = MAADMessages.Project, Required = true)]
    [PXDefault(PersistingCheck = PXPersistingCheck.NullOrBlank)]
    public virtual string LocationID { get; set; }
    public abstract class locationID : BqlString.Field<locationID> { }

   <px:PXMultiSelector ID="edLocationID" runat="server" DataField="LocationID" AutoRefresh="True" AllowCustomItems="true" CommitChanges="True">


  • I tried it in 23R2, and I can confirm that PXMultiSelector is not limited to 10 items. I also checked the source code of PXMultiSelector, and there was no sign of any limits. Please see attached image, I was able to select 16 locations.

    enter image description here

    You may have somehow disabled your control from expanding vertically and horizontally, and that is why you can't see more values.