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Create random records based on existing data with MariaDB

On the basis of existing tables we need to create a randomized set. This is what we tried records are created but all fields are NULL;

CREATE PROCEDURE `create_data` ()
    declare done bool default false;
    declare anrede varchar(50);
    declare vorname varchar(50);
    declare nachname varchar(50);

    declare _vorname cursor for select anrede, vorname from vorname order by rand();
    declare _nachname cursor for select nachname from nachname order by rand();

    declare continue handler for not found set done = true;

    open _vorname;
    open _nachname;

    create_record: loop
        fetch _vorname into anrede, vorname;
        fetch _nachname into nachname;

        insert into lp values( null,
        if done then
            leave create_record;
        end if;

    end loop;

what did we miss here?


  • Please provide SHOW CREATE TABLE lp

    The whole procedure can be simplified to one statement:

    INSERT into lp 
           ( anrede, vorname, nachname )
        SELECT null,
          FROM vorname AS v
          JOIN nachname AS n  ON TRUE
          ORDER BY RAND();

    That could be a big table (size of vorname times size of nachname). If you want a smaller table (like what you were trying to do), then

    INSERT into lp 
           ( anrede, vorname, nachname )
            ( SELECT anrede FROM vorname ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1 ) AS anrede,
            ( SELECT vorname FROM vorname ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1 ) AS vorname,
            ( SELECT nachname FROM nachname ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1 ) AS nachname
          LIMIT 1000;

    This second version mixes up the name parts randomly and produces exactly 1000 names.

    Using INSERT...SELECT...; avoids the need for declaring variables and looping. And is probably much faster.

    I assume the NULL was aimed for an AUTO_INCREMENT; leaving it out (as I did) has the same effect.