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Using a custom MariaDb Grammar for Carbon timestamp precision with Laravel, the application crashes when calling `$builder->toRawSql()`

My goal is to store microseconds in a MariaDB database timestamp fields when using a laravel application.

Following the instructions on, I created my Grammar class:


namespace App\Database\Query\Grammars;

use Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\MariaDbGrammar as IlluminateMariaDbGrammar;

class MariaDbGrammar extends IlluminateMariaDbGrammar
    public function getDateFormat(): string
        return 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u';

and on my AppServiceProvides.php, I included the line DB::connection()->setQueryGrammar(new \App\Database\Query\Grammars\MariaDbGrammar());

Then I created a sample artisan command on console.php

Artisan::command('raw', function () {
    dd(DB::table('user')->where('id_user', 'abc')->toRawSql());

Running php artisan raw, the application crashes with


  The database driver's grammar implementation does not support escaping values.

  at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Grammar.php:238
      +1 vendor frames 

  2   [internal]:0
      +2 vendor frames 

  5   routes/console.php:84

Commenting out the line, the program works as expected:

"select * from `user` where `id_user` = 'abc'" // routes/console.php:84

What is the correct way to enable microseconds for MariaDB databases on a laravel 11 application?


  • Solved by

    1. Creating a MariaDbGrammar exactly as described in the question (following the instruction on

    2. Creating a MariaDbConnection class in my application that extends Illuminate's MariadDbConnection:

    class MariaDbConnection extends IlluminateMariaDbConnection
        protected function getDefaultQueryGrammar(): MariaDbGrammar
            // this is the Grammar created on the previous step
            ($grammar = new MariaDbGrammar())->setConnection($this);
            return $this->withTablePrefix($grammar);
    1. On the AppServiceProvider.php, register the connection with the new Connection class:
    public function boot(): void
        Connection::resolverFor('mariadb', fn(...$args) => new MariaDbConnection(...$args));
