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Clone Div and append to iframe

I'm attempting to get elements from a form so that the results can be styled and printed from an iframe. Here is the code I'm using:

  const printButton = document.getElementById('print-quiz');
  var clone = document.querySelector('.quiz_results').cloneNode( true );
  printButton.addEventListener('click', event => {
    this.event = event;
  // New HTML page
  const user = "<table><tr><td>" + document.querySelector('.quiz_results').appendChild(clone) + "</td></tr></table>";
  const printHtml = `<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Printed Quiz</title></head><body>${user}</body></html>`; 
  // get the iframe
  let iFrame = document.getElementById('print-quiz');
  iFrame.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = printHtml;

All is well except, document.querySelector('.quiz_results').appendChild(clone) returns [object HTMLDivElement]

How can I modify my code to duplicate the div class (.quiz_results) and its inner contents into the html results iframe? I've been at this for a while and appreciate your assistance.


  • Yes you can clone an element to another document. Although just for printing you could have used the outerHTML (or innerHTML) property.

    Your mistake was adding an HTMLElement to string. You should either append element to element, or concatenate string to another.

    A working copy:

    const printButton = document.getElementById('print-quiz');
    var clone = document.querySelector('.quiz_results').cloneNode(true);
    printButton.addEventListener('click', event => {
      this.event = event;
      // New HTML page
      const user = "<table><tr><td id='user-container'></td></tr></table>";
      const printHtml = `<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Printed Quiz</title></head><body>${user}</body></html>`;
      // get the iframe
      let iFrame = document.getElementById('print-iframe');
      iFrame.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = printHtml;
    <button id="print-quiz">print quiz</button>
    <div class="quiz_results">quiz_results: 100, 30, 60</div>
    <iframe id="print-iframe"></iframe>