I have an Excel UserForm ("UserFormEdit") that has a TextBox (TextBox1) and a ComboBox ("HolidaySelect").
In a table ("Holiday") I need the number (Column 1) that corresponds to the string (Column 2) selected in the ComboBox ("HolidaySelect").
I then need to take that number and replace a number in my table "Index" that corresponds to the name from "TextBox1".
The two tables are both on Sheet1.
"Holiday" Table:
"Index" Table:
Column 1 contains the names (to match TextBox1)
Column 4 contains a number (this number needs to change to the number in the "Holiday" Table column 1 that is referenced by the holiday listed in column 2[obtained from ComboBox1]).
My UserForm is called "UserFormEdit"
With my code I get:
Run-time error '9':
Subscript out of range.
Private Sub ButtonSave_Click()
If MsgBox("Confirm the change?", vbYesNo, "Save record") = vbYes Then
Call WriteToSheet
Else: Unload Me
End If
End Sub
Public Sub WriteToSheet()
Dim tbl As ListObject
Set tbl = Sheet1.ListObjects("Holiday")
Dim lookupRng As Range
Set lookupRng = tbl.ListColumns(2).DataBodyRange
Dim returnRng As Range
Set returnRng = tbl.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange
Dim holidayValue As Integer
holidayValue = Application.WorksheetFunction.XLookup(UserFormEdit.HolidaySelect.Value, lookupRng, returnRng, "")
Dim tbl2 As ListObject
Set tbl2 = Sheet1.ListObjects("Index")
Dim lookupRng2 As Range
Set lookupRng2 = tbl2.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange
Dim returnRng2 As Range
Set returnRng2 = tbl2.ListColumns(4).DataBodyRange
Dim holidayNumber As Integer
holidayNumber = Application.WorksheetFunction.XLookup(UserFormEdit.TextBox1.Value, lookupRng2, returnRng2, "")
holidayNumber = holidayValue
End Sub
This worked for me:
Public Sub WriteToSheet()
Dim tblIndx As ListObject
Dim selectedHol As String, holidayNum As Integer, tbox1Val
Dim m As Variant
selectedHol = Me.HolidaySelect.Value 'use `Me` to the current instance of the form
holidayNum = HolidayNameToNumber(selectedHol)
If holidayNum <> -1 Then
Set tblIndx = Sheet1.ListObjects("Index")
tbox1Val = Me.TextBox1.Value
'match on first column...
m = Application.Match(tbox1Val, tblIndx.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange, 0)
If Not IsError(m) Then
'got match: update corresponding cell in column 4
tblIndx.ListColumns(4).DataBodyRange.Cells(m).Value = holidayNum
MsgBox "'" & tbox1Val & "' not found in Index table!"
End If
MsgBox "Selected holiday '" & selectedHol & "' not found in Holiday table!"
End If
End Sub
'Get holiday number from its name
' Returns -1 if not found
Function HolidayNameToNumber(holName As String) As Long
With Sheet1.ListObjects("Holiday")
HolidayNameToNumber = Application.WorksheetFunction.XLookup(holName, _
.ListColumns(2).DataBodyRange, _
.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange, -1)
End With
End Function