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jQuery Datatable Sharepoint list item status depending on previous item

I am using ajax call to get list items:

var oDataUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('tasks')/items?$select=ID,start,end,finished,Title,status,Modified,objects/Title&$expand=objects";
                url: oDataUrl,
                type: "GET",
                dataType: "json",
                headers: {
                        "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose"
                success: successFunction,
                error: errorFunction

I have a function, which calculates statuses

function calculateStatus(rowData) {
    var obj = rowData.objects.Title;
    var ID = rowData.ID;
    var today = moment();
    var startDate = moment(rowData.start);
    var endDate = moment(rowData.end);
    var finishedDate = moment(rowData.finished);
    var daysUntilend = endDate.diff(today, 'days');

    if (startDate.isBefore(today) && endDate.isSameOrAfter(today) && daysUntilend <= 14 && !finishedDate.isValid()) {
        return 'Approaching';
    } else if (startDate.isAfter(today) && !finishedDate.isValid() ) {
        return 'Not_started';
    } else if (startDate.isSameOrBefore(today) && endDate.isAfter(today) && !finishedDate.isValid()) {
        return 'In_Progress';
    } else if (startDate.isSameOrBefore(today) && endDate.isBefore(today) && !finishedDate.isValid()) {
        return 'Late';
    } else if (finishedDate.isValid() && finishedDate.isSameOrBefore(endDate)) {
        return 'Finished_on_time';
    } else if (finishedDate.isValid() && finishedDate.isAfter(endDate)) {
        return 'Finished_with_delay';
    } else {
        return '';

And displays it in Datatable column

{"mData": "status",
"render": function (data, type, row) {
          var calculatedStatus = calculateStatus(row);
          if (calculatedStatus === null) return "";
          return "<label class='badge1 badge-" + calculatedStatus + "'>" + calculatedStatus + "</label>"

It all works fine, but I need to modify status checking logic, that it would check if PREVIOUS ITEM WITH THE SAME OBJECT has the finished date entered. If the finished date is entered (finished value not empty) check all conditions, but if the finished date is empty, calculate status of that item and then all OTHER ITEMS WITH THE SAME OBJECT would have status Not_started.

Example of Datatable statuses which I want to achieve:

ID Title Object Start End Finished status
1 Task1 Reading 2024-01-01 2025-02-01 2024-02-03 Finished_on_time
2 Task2 Reading 2024-01-01 2024-01-01 2024-01-01 In_Progress
3 Task3 Dancing 2023-10-25 2024-01-01 Late
4 Task4 Dancing 2023-12-01 2024-02-01 Not_started
5 Task5 Dancing 2023-11-01 2023-12-01 Not_started
6 Task6 Painting 2024-02-03 2024-03-01 In_Progress
7 Task7 Painting 2024-02-03 2024-03-01 Not_started


  • Changed my success funtion to this:

    function successFunction(data) {
        var tasks = data.d.results;
        var objectsMap = {}; // Map to store objects and their statuses
        // Iterate through tasks to update statuses based on previous items with the same object
        tasks.forEach(function(task, index) {
            var object = task.objects.Title;
          var previousTask = findPreviousTaskWithSameObject(tasks, index, object);
            if (previousTask && previousTask.finished=== null) {
                // If previous item with same object exists and current item has no finished date
                task.status = 'Not_started';
            } else {
                // Calculate status based on original logic
                task.status= calculateStatus(task);
            // Store the status for the object
            if (!objectsMap[object]) {
                objectsMap[object] = task.status;
        // Update statuses for all items with the same object if necessary
        tasks.forEach(function(task) {
            var object = task.objects.Title;
            var status = task.status;
            if (status === 'Not_started' && objectsMap[object] === 'Not_started') {
                // Update statuses for all items with the same object
                objectsMap[object] = 'Not_started';
        // Render DataTable with modified statuses

    And everything works as expected.