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Extract enum from Array with type restriction

This is similar to extract property values from array but I also need to strict the type of array.

Take the following code as example:

type ElemProp = {id: number, name: string, quickFormat?: boolean }

const formatList:ElemProp[] = [
    {id:1, name: 'ABC'},
    {id: 3, name: 'XYZ'},
    {id: 98, name: 'GOGOGO', quickFormat: true}
] as const

type IdEnum = (typeof formatList)[number]['id']

The IdEnum is evaluated as number instead of 1|3|98.

Nonetheless, removing :ElemProp[] will give the enum, but now I lose all type support.

The question is: how to obtain the enum while keeping type support for the original array?

I tried changing things to readonly, adding as const but as long as the ElemProp[] is there, IdEnum returns number.

Post-answer update:

This is the original intent: I was trying to limit the type of paragraph styles supplied to paragraphs when using to create docx files in NodeJS. This is not very elegant at the moment but I'm seeing where this is going.

import dx from 'docx';
import { IPropertiesOptions } from 'docx/build/file/core-properties';

type StylesAndNumberings = Required<Pick<IPropertiesOptions, 'styles' | 'numbering'>>; // for reference only

export type ExtractParagraphIds<U extends Partial<IPropertiesOptions>> = U extends {
    readonly styles: { readonly paragraphStyles: infer U extends readonly { id: string }[] };
    ? U[number]['id']
    : never;

const docProps = {
  styles: {
    paragraphStyles: [
        id: 'normal',
        name: 'Normal',
        basedOn: 'Normal',
        next: 'Normal',
        quickFormat: true,
        run: {
          font: 'Arial',
          size: 22,
} as const satisfies Partial<IPropertiesOptions>;

type IdEnum = ExtractParagraphIds<typeof docProps>;

export const textToParagraph = <T extends Partial<IPropertiesOptions>>(
    t: string,
    runFormat: dx.IRunOptions = {},
    paragraphOptions: dx.IParagraphOptions & { style?: ExtractParagraphIds<T> } = {},
    paragraphFreeChildren: dx.IParagraphOptions['children'] = []
) => {
    const text = t.split('\n');
    if (text.length === 1) {
        return new dx.Paragraph({
            wordWrap: true,
            children: [
                new dx.TextRun({
                    text: t,
    return new dx.Paragraph({
        children: [
  , i) => {
                return new dx.TextRun({
                    text: line,
                    break: i ? 1 : 0,


  • Use satisfies:

    type ElemProp = {id: number, name: string, quickFormat?: boolean }
    const formatList = [
        {id:1, name: 'ABC'},
        {id: 3, name: 'XYZ'},
        {id: 98, name: 'GOGOGO', quickFormat: true}
    ] as const satisfies ElemProp[];
    type IdEnum = (typeof formatList)[number]['id']