So I've been learning and using Signals in Angular, and it's exciting. However, there are some use cases where I feel there's some friction. I can't figure out a good pattern when you have a component with input signals
, and you want to trigger a re-fetch of data whenever some input value changes.
is obviously not the way to go since they can't be async. And effect
, according to the docs, shouldn't modify component state. So that seems like a no-go as well. And ngOnChanges is being deprecated (long term) in favor of Signals-based components and zoneless.
Consider the following component:
export class ChartComponent {
dataSeriesId = input.required<string>();
fromDate = input.required<Date>();
toDate = input.required<Date>();
private data = signal<ChartData | null>(null);
Whenever one of the input signals gets a new value, I want to trigger a re-fetch of data, and update
the value of the private data
How would one go about this? What's the best practice? Effect and bypass the rule to modify state?
Use Angular's rxResource
, like this:
import { rxResource } from "@angular/core/rxjs-interop";
selector: "app-chart",
template: `
{{ resource.value() }}
@if(resource.isLoading()) { Loading... }
@if(resource.error(); as error) { {{ error }} }
export class ChartComponent {
dataSeriesId = input.required<string>();
fromDate = input.required<Date>();
toDate = input.required<Date>();
params = computed(() => ({
id: this.dataSeriesId(),
from: this.fromDate(),
to: this.toDate(),
resource = rxResource({
request: this.params,
loader: (loaderParams) => this.fetchData(loaderParams.request),
private fetchData({ id, from, to }: { id: string; from: Date; to: Date }) {
return of(`Example data for id [${id}] from [${from}] to [${to}]`).pipe(
Any change to the inputs will trigger a new fetch, cancelling the previous one. If fetchData
uses Angular's HttpClient
, the ongoing HTTP request will be automatically cancelled.
Working example on StackBlitz
Use Angular's rxjs-interop
to convert the input signals to an Observable
, then switchMap
to fetch the results and then convert the result back to a signal, like this:
import { toObservable, toSignal } from "@angular/core/rxjs-interop";
selector: "app-chart",
standalone: true,
template: ` {{ data() }} `,
export class ChartComponent {
dataSeriesId = input.required<string>();
fromDate = input.required<Date>();
toDate = input.required<Date>();
params = computed(() => ({
id: this.dataSeriesId(),
from: this.fromDate(),
to: this.toDate(),
data = toSignal(
switchMap((params) => this.fetchData(params))
private fetchData({ id, from, to }: { id: string; from: Date; to: Date }) {
return of(`Example data for id [${id}] from [${from}] to [${to}]`).pipe(
Any change to any of the inputs will trigger a new fetch.
Working example on StackBlitz